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Hello everyone. I wanted to tell you that I won't be able to post anymore dares. Reason is because of school, Starting now I won't be available on Wattpad for a long time.

The reason is I'm in a boarding school and I'm supposed to go back.
And I know you guys are going back or have already started school/ college. I'm sorry to say this but there won't be any updates for
2 months because I won't be able to bring my phone and use it.

Sonic: So you won't be able to continue?

Me: sadly........yes.

Mario: aww.....

Good 21: We understand.

Me: Yeah I know this sucks. But don't worry everyone. I'll be back soon and if you're expecting updates you'll have to wait until December.

Sonic: Why? Isn't that too long?

Me: well in the school where I am, phones aren't allowed. If you're wondering where I am, I'll tell you.
I'm schooling in Ghana...a country in West Africa. I'm in high school and in their schools you aren't allowed to bring phones which kinda sucks though. So the only time I'll get access to my phone is
Vacation. Hope you understand.

If you guys have any dares you wanna post you can post them here so I can do them when I come back.

Mario, Sonic and Goku: Craziness BookWhere stories live. Discover now