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Abhi : Careful.. Careful.. Where are u looking at?? Is it hurting??

He checks her legs.. She was staring at her.. Abhi saw her..

Abhi : Why are u staring at me?? I asked did it hurt??

Ritika shook her head with baby face..

Abhi : OK.. Take care.. Go inside..

He said it like an order.. She went inside..

Ritika : (thinks) I avoided him.. And I have insulted him too.. But today he spoke to me as if nothing happened between us.. How can he be so sweet??


Shruti goes to see Sid.. He was dressed up in a suit looking handsome..

Sid : Hey.. Don’t talk to me.. Why are u late??can’t u come earlier??

He turns that side..

Shruti : Sid.. I am extremely sorry.. 1000 times sorry.. I was stuck up in traffic and when I reached here I got some important work and had to go.. That’s why I am late.. Please forgive me..

She said making a cute face..

By then Sid’s mom and dad came.. Shruti began talking with them..

Sid : See.. My Akka(sis) had come too.. Talk to her..

Shruti greeted her and talked with her too.. After sometime Shruti’s family too came..

Shruti : U are not angry at me nah??

Sid : I am still angry..

Shruti : Don’t start from the first Sid..

Sid : if u do me a favour,I will be okay..

Shruti : What favour??

Sid : I want to meet Swadhu now..

Shruti : Is this the favour??Wait. She will come in a few minutes..

Sid : Hello.. I want to meet her before the function.. In terrace..

Shruti : Are u mad or what?? All her relatives are here.. Won’t they look for the bride?? ur family is there too.. They will say something if u meet alone.. Impossible..

Sid : Then I won’t talk to u..

Shruti : That’s OK.. I can’t do this..

Sid : I did not expect this from u Shruti..

He makes sad faces..

Shruti : Hello.. Don’t make such faces.. U are so ugly while making such faces.. I cannot see u.. Chi..

She turns that side..

Sid : Shruti.. Please help me.. U are my darling bestie nah??

Shruti : Wait.. I am thinking for an idea..(thinks) Shall I ask Abhi??

Sid : Telling Abhi and announcing in mic,both are same.. U can do it..

Shruti : OK.. U make some excuse and come to the terrace without anyone’s knowledge.. I will bring her there..

Sid : OK..


Shruti goes to the room in which Swadhu was getting ready.. She was surrounded by her relatives who were making her ready.. She was wearing a purple colour silk saree with grand jewels,looking like a goddess.. Shruti could not go inside as there were many ladies..

Shruti : Oh God.. How I am going to see her??

She was looking to find where Swadhu is amidst the ladies.. By then Sanjay came there..

Sanjay : U want to go inside??

Shruti nodded..

He asked his relatives to move.. Shruti found way and went inside..

Swadhu : Darlo!! Why are u late??

Shruti : Actually I came before itself.. I was with Sid.. (thinks) Aleesha wants to talk to u..

Swadhu : Aleesha?? Who is she??

Shruti winks..

Shruti : Duffer… U forgot her?? She studied with us in college nah??

She pinches her slightly..

Swadhu : Oh..

She gave confused expression..

Shruti : Network is not available here.. Let’s go to the terrace..

One of the ladies : Swadhu has to go now nah?? U talk to her later..

Shruti : No aunty.. Aleesha is short tempered.. She won’t talk to us then.. (Grins) Swadhu has very bad  memory.. She forgot her.. We will come in few minutes..

She takes her and comes out and sighs..

Swadhu : Dearie.. Ur romeo wants to see u.. That’s why I came to take u.

Both of them went to the terrace..
Shruti was standing  near the staircase and checks if someone comes ..

Sid comes..

Sid : Hi my wify… U are looking like a queen today..

Swadhu : Mr. King.. I am not ur wify yet..

Sid : be wify.. Hmm… How I am looking??

Swadhu : Like hotel waiter..

Sid makes pout face..

Swadhu : Sorry.. Sweetheart.. Everybody is waiting.. Why did u want to see me??

Sid : I have a surprise for u.. Close ur eyes..

She closed.. When she opened her eues, she saw a beautiful painting in which she and Sid are seen walking holding hands..

Swadhu : Wow.. This is awesome.. Who did this??

Sid : Who else?? It’s me..

Swadhu : Don’t lie..

Sid : Mother promise.. It’s me.

Swadhu : I cheater… U did not tell me that u are an artist?

Sid : Actually.. I used to draw when I was small.. But now I don’t get time to do.. Just did it for u.. Though it has so many imperfections..

Swadhu : its perfect for me.. I don’t care about the imperfections.. All I see is ur love for me.. Love u loads sweetheart..

She hugged him..

Sid : Hmm.. I feel like we can spend the night rest of our lives like this.. Holding each others hand..

Swadhu : Now everybody is waiting for us..

Sid : Let them wait.. Who cares??

Swadhu giggled..

Shruti : hey love birds.. Is it over or not?? They are calling u.. I can’t manage anymore..

Sid : This girl is born only to disturb us..

Swadhu : Remember.. She is the one who brought me here..

Sid : Hey.. Miss.Honesty.. Don’t go and tell her that I told that she is born to disturb us.. She will eat me alive..

Swadhu : Sure.. I will tell her..

Swadhu goes from there..

Sid : Get ready with some excuse Mr.Siddharth..

PRECAP : Sid - Swadeenta's engagement.. Shruti tells Sanjay that she loves someone.. Sid overhears that..

FRIENDSHIP,LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE(COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora