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The epi starts with Shruti coming to the college in her scooty…She looked stunning in magenta color designer saree.. She parks her scooty and waits for her friends…She calls Sid…

Shruti: Hey lazy boy!! Where are u now??

Sid: Hello..I cant hear u..

Shruti: U idiotic deaf…Where are u man??

Sid: Oh..I m on the way Monkey…I will be there in 10 mins…

Shruti: Come soon u donkey…

She cuts the call and waits…By then Abhi comes there in a blue t-shirt and a blazer ,he sees her but goes as if he did not see her…Shruti sees him…

Shruti: Oye Abhi!!

Abhi: Hello! Who are u??How do u know my name??

Shruti: U dumbo! I am telling u again..Dont act smart…

Abhi: Hey girl! U really dont know how to talk with a man?? U mannerless girl…

Shruti: What??Mannerless??U dont know who i am right??  I will show u who I am..

She is about to punch him on his face…

Abhi: Hey!Miss.Boxer…Leave me…Now I understood…U are the great,Shruti Only no?? I could not recognize u becauss of ur over make up…

Shruti: What did u say now??Over makeup??

She again goes to punch him…By then Sid comes And stops her…He was dressed in a white t shirt and a blazer…

Abhi: U are like God to me dude..If u have not come,this girl would have killed me…

Sid: U started morning itself,huh??

Shruti: He says that i have done over makeup da..

Sid: What is wrong in that??

Sid and Abhi high five and they start laughing…Shruti is irritated…Swadeenta comes in a light green designer saree…

Swadz: Hey! Why are u irritating my darlo??

Abhi: Oh…U recognized her??What a miracle! We could not recognize her because of her over makeup…

Shruti: If u say that again,i will kill u literally.

Swadz: Cool darlo…U are beautiful today…They are finding ways to irritate u…

Both of them hug…

Sid: They have joined hands dude…We cant handle them anymore….

Shruti: We will make u both crazy..

Abhi: Lets see..

Swa: ok..Lets go to the auditorium…


They go to the auditorium…Vicky calls Shruti and gives her some work…

Abhi: Guys!There will be many girls na??I should look dashing…I will go and do my hair well…

He goes…

Swadz: U dont want to do ur hair??Many beautiful girls are there…

Sid: Hahaha…I dont want makeup like u guys…A smile is enough…

Swadz:Oho…We have To say that..U should not boast about urself….

Sid: I dont lie…U know…I hav to say..That….U r very gorgeous today..

Swadeenta smiles…

Sid: How I m looking today??

Swa: Actually…This dress doesnt suit u…The clothes u wear daily to college were better…

FRIENDSHIP,LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE(COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora