"Baby, watch your head" I said as I laid her in the front seat reclining it back letting her sleep through the ride back to her house.

"Love you" I murmured against her forehead planting a few sweet kisses there as she laid helpless. I sighed as I turned the engine of my 4x4 back to life driving us to the Tweedy-Walsh household. It gave me a good 20 minutes to think about what had just happened. When did Julie get so attached to this little girl for her to breakdown into a state where she loses her voice? She had mentioned she's been going to the orphanage but she didn't tell me the big details. Sophie being one, I guess it was something that meant a lot to her. Pulling up to the gated home I quickly punched in the security numbers and drove through the opened gates down the graveled road.

"Sweetheart" I gently shook Julie

"Baby wake up" I whispered unblocking her seatbelt for her

"No" She whimpered

"Come on baby, looks like your parents aren't home. Let's go inside and up to your room I'll let you cry in my arms as long as you need to" I knew she was in a vulnerable state and I could tell she was ready to breakdown again any second now

"Here I'll help you out" I quickly unbuckled my safety belt and made my way around to Julie's side taking her into my arms carrying her to the front steps

"I need your keys" I said digging into her back pocket quickly retrieving them. She began to hiccup as she hid her face into the crook of my neck. I got the hint moving faster; closing the door and practically speed walking up the stairs and straight into her room

"Let me just change you out of these clothes" I said gently setting her down on the bed. Not giving her a chance to answer as I ran into her wardrobe room getting us both over sized t-shirts and a pair of shorts

"Arms up honey" I said discarding her clothes and changing her into the freshly washed items

"Stay" She whispered grasping onto my hand as I tucked her into bed once getting her changed

"Can I change babe?" I said stroking her cheek lovingly

"Y-Yeah.. but please stay" she sniffed, I quickly changed in front of her making sure she knew that I wasn't going anywhere

"Come here" I said taking her into my arms as we snuggled under the duvet. It took the wrap of my arms around her vulnerable body for her to breakdown and let the awaiting tears escape


Cheryl's POV

"I don't know about this" Kimba whispered in me ear as we sat about watching little Sophie

"What's there to lose?" I asked her

"We can't Cheryl.. We just can't" she sighed running her fingers through her blonde locks

"We've spent the entire day with her, she's a good kid. I can see why our Julie loves her so much" I watched Sophie play in the jungle gym happily smiling to herself as she climbed the monkey bars

"This is a big responsibility Chez" She said still unconvinced with the proposal I had just dropped on her

"We're good parents Kimba" I argued

"Yeah to a sixteen year old.. She's nine Cheryl, she needs a lot of attention, and attendance. We are still busy with work, and I'm pregnant. It's just.. not the right time" She said never looking away from Sophie

"But it's jus-"

"Enough Cheryl, We should be getting back" She said abruptly walking over to Sophie. I watched as they interacted with one and other; Sophie's smile so wide and happy. It's sad that it didn't work out the way I wanted it to, Julie's going to be crushed. They walked back over hand-in-hand

"Thank you for today Mrs. Cheryl" She said politely making us giggle

"You can call us Cheryl pet" I said squatting down to her level

"You speak funny" She giggled making Kimba join her

"Come on you cheeky little thing" I said picking her up in me arms resting her against me hip

"I'm not little, I can walk" She said wrapping her arms around me neck

"Aye I know, but I wanted to hold you to the car" I said walking the short distance and helping her into the back seat

"Do you know how to put them buckles on?" I asked handing her the safety belt

"Yeah.. see" She said clipping it into place. I couldn't help but laugh and give her a kiss on the head before closing her door shut

"So are you two like married?" She asked us as we got back onto the road

"Yeah" I said wondering where she was leading this to

"I have a big sister who has two Mum's" She said getting excited at the mention of her sister. Her face instantly lighting up

"Oh yeah? Does your sister live with you then?" I asked genuinely interested

"No, she visits me everyday.. She used to live in a care home, but now she lives with her Mum's.. She told me about them" She said getting both Kimbas and Me ears listening to every word

"Does she like living with them?" Kimba asked curiously

"Yeah, she said how they were her role models. Said something about them being the most amazing people she ever met" She said all while looking out the window

"Julie is the best big sister ever" she added with a low whisper making both me head and Kimbas snap turning to each other

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