(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch

Start from the beginning

Aiden took a causal bite from his salad and as much as she could see where he was coming from, and it was a very good place, Ian was still right in saying that it's his choice to meet his other brother. But, with Aiden being so protective that wasn't going to happen easy, or anytime soon.

"You don't know the real him, because I don't blame the guy for being an asshole around you."

Aiden raised an eyebrow and took another bite, his chewing halting at Ian's next words.

"You took his sisters' virginity in a drunk one night stand and then never spoke to her again. I'd be angry with you too," Ian deadpanned calmly.

Marley sighed and wiped her hands on her napkin before placing her right one on Aiden's knee, after he lowered his fork. His expression scrunched in guilt.

"It was a dick move and something I never would've done if I knew it was....if I knew it was her first time. But that's no excuse anyway. I apologized to him a long time ago. And last night, I told her that what happened shouldn't have but it upset her. I'm not going to say what she wants to hear so no matter what I can't win."

Marley's hand slid from his knee as she crossed her arms and turned to stare Aiden down, "What did she want to hear?"

His eyes locked on hers and he looked extremely uneasy, "Take a guess, spitfire."

She should've known. Marley turned back towards her plate and grabbed a handful of fries, now stress eating more than anything.

Ian scrunched up his nose, "You're not related but it's still weird. You and Dallas share a brother and she wants to..."

"Hook up? Date? Yeah," Aiden replied tentatively, his eyes on the side of Marley's head as she focused on dipping her fries into ketchup, "But I told her multiple times, Marley, that I'm not interested."

She felt her cheeks redden at what she was going to say next, staring down at the crumbled napkin in her hands, "I don't think she's going to let it go that easy, Aiden. You were...you were her first and that means a lot. She probably thought that if she," Marley finally looked up to meet Aiden's eyes, "if she gave you that, you would stay."

"I know," he murmured, and she could tell he genuinely felt bad for what he did, grabbing her hand to intertwine their fingers.

And that guilt, is the reason why Marley doesn't hold any grudge for his behaviour. Aiden is no white knight. He's made more than his fair share of mistakes, said and done things he shouldn't have in the past.

He isn't Superman, but he's her kind of hero. The one who redeems himself, changes for the better, and learns from his mistakes. Owns up to them, and strives to be a better version of himself.

Her Aiden isn't the one who slept with Dallas. Her Aiden isn't a stupid kid anymore.

Well, most of the time, anyway.

"She deserved better, but she was never going to find that with me. Marley, you've always been the only girl I would ever want to commit to. I was an asshole. Still am sometimes," his soft lips tilted up at the corners, "But even before we met, in a way, I was your asshole."

"It's true," Ian added, smiling widely at his brother, "he believed that he'd turn purple sooner than commit to one girl. Remember Jessica? Doorbell girl?"

Aiden let go of her hand to grab his fork and Marley turned back to her food too, considerably more content now than a few minutes ago.

Her boyfriend cringed in disgust, "Please don't remind me."

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