Kagome noted that Sesshoumaru's armor reminisce more of the Chinese's Ming Dynasty armor, the only reason she knew was because of her Grandfather's many historical lectures about armories and their differences from each other. Once her mind recognized the difference from her family's samurai armor, it was simply the act of going through the motion.

Sesshoumaru barely aided the girl on taking it off his person when his armor sparked with signs of approaching lightning. He knew then that it was no simple storm coming their way. His armor should have magical protection against lightning since his kind fly a lot. Being a DaiTengu meant flying into storms in many of their battle. It was not, however, the main reason why he had complied with the girl's suggestion at first. He does not know the way of this strange land; he will take all necessary precaution to survive even if it means moving to a human's tune. After all, even he has to admit that due to how fragile their lives were, humankind learned to adapt or die at equal rate.

Kagome lugged the heavy armor set from her unkind companion, he may have moved her from being scorched by the sun but she knew better than to immediately trust him, just as the storm reached them. She stumbled into the sand, hoping that Sesshoumaru have other things to worry about than to see her skirt flipping over and showing her panty, as the ground seemed to quack and tremble. Leaving the heavy armor as far away from their rock as possible, she raced back as the sandstorm blew mercilessly at her petite figure.

Sesshoumaru simply watched as the girl stumbled part due to her graceless self and part due to the sudden tremble of the ground. Her immodest dressing flipped over her due to the wind and he was presented by her strange koshimaki, resembling like a tiny version of fundoshi. She quickly covered herself and left his armor where she stumbled, running frantically back toward him with a red face.

Kagome breathed heavily as she pressed herself close to the rock just as lightning strike Sesshoumaru's armory set. Yelping both in shock and fear for her life, she unconsciously presses herself closer to Sesshoumaru's pelted shoulder. Something loomed over them and Kagome blinked up, curiosity pressing over her self-preservation.

She gawked as legs as large as a skyscraper walked over their rock, the sound bellowing from above them make the very air tremble as more lightning strike descended around them and attack Sesshoumaru's armor set mercilessly. She give an unconscious shiver as her mind supplied her with images of Sesshoumaru being attacked relentless by lightning as his armor was currently suffering.

She whispered to herself or him she does not know, though his ears hear her words just fine, "I'm glad we take them off of you,"

He frowned, sensing her honest concern from both her scent and her words. He then cleared his confusion over her strange concern. She, like Jaken, knew she could not possibly survive without his protection and like a parasite that her kind was, will aid in keeping him safe as long as he does the same to her. Comforted by his own counsel, Sesshoumaru kept his silence.

Kagome pressed herself closer to the rock as the sandstorm grew harsher, her vision clouded by nothing but sands. She untied her cotton button up cardigan to tie them around her head and mouth so she would not breathe in the fine sands and bring ruin to her delicate lungs. She then looked up to see Sesshoumaru doing the same with his strange pelt as he glared at the dry storm and the strange beast walking over and ahead of them. Glad that he knew a little about surviving a sand storm, she sat quietly beside her silent companion and possible murderer as the two weathered the sandstorm raging around them.

She studied the creature that brought with it storm and lightning. It glowed red and purple, the feel of wrongness permeates the air that followed it like a swarm. She shivered again, studying the silhouette of its shadow, trying to make sense what she just saw.

Sesshoumaru glared at the creature lumbering ahead. It made him sick simply by approaching as he barely hold on as it walked over his person. It was only because of the girl being so close to him that he managed to keep his conscious awake. Had he been himself, he would have let go of his iron control over his youki and attacked the beast. He disliked how unnatural the creature was. There's no scent to it but ore and lightning.

He heard the girl muffled word as she speak behind her own cover up, "It looked like a camel, an evil camel,"

Kagome would have said more but she doubt he would understand if she said that it looked like a robotic camel designed by a mad scientist.

Sesshoumaru wondered about this 'camel' creature that the girl was talking about. He knew of 'camels', they live in the distant land ruled by a living god as beasts of burden. But the drawing he saw from the many scrolls collected by his forefathers does not do justice to the lumbering beast ahead. It does not look anything similar to a 'camel' nor any living creature for that matter. The only similarity it held would be its silhouette and only that.

It lacked the scent of sweat, blood and waste that most beasts carry. And being as large as it was, he should at least hear the sound of its beating heart but it lacked that as well. Nor does he hear the sound of its lungs expanding as it bellowed another ear shattering shout. No, this beast was far from a 'camel' for it does not live yet it does as the same time. The feel of wrongness, perhaps it was because of this beast.

If he ends its existence would he return as he was?

He glared as the sand settled and the girl slumbered beside him, taking advantage of his Moko-moko pelt. How could he destroy something that made him sick simply by being in its range?

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