Chapter Eleven: Court

Start from the beginning

I took at deep breath and spook. "He raped me with an object." I told her and her eyes widened. He then typed in her computer. "And what was this object?" She asked me.

I whipped my tears that fell slowly. "A handle of one of those long loofah to wash your back with, and his fist, and my son caught a gimps of it." I told her still whipping my tears.

After I said that I still felt chris Stare. I know he has more questions since I never told him about that.

"Um do you have proof of that?" She asked me while still typing.

"Yeah." I told her taking out my phone.

"And you didn't press charges honey?" She asked me and I shook my head no as I passed her my phone.


"Wow." She said looking at my phone then handed it back to me. "Um can you email that to me?" She asked then went back to typing. "And When was this?" She asked me.

"March 23rd"

She continued typing and asking questions. "What was his reason for this?"

"Um he found out that my daughter wasn't his which I found out on March 12th."

"Was this his only time doing anything like that to you?"

"Yes." I told her still whipping some tears that continued to fall.

"Is that all your reasons?" She asked and I nodded.

"Ok I'll contact the judge and let you know when your court date is, and he will be served with papers."

"Ok thank you." I told her standing up.


Me and chris been riding in Silence since we left the firm and it's killing me. "You mad at me?" I asked him.

He kept his eyes on the road and then replied. "Naw, just wondering why you didn't tell me." He said still looking at the road.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"Don't be we just go let it go." He said shaking his head.


"Hey munchkins how was grandma's?" I asked my kids as Chris pulled out of my moms drive way.

"Good can we go get some food? Reece asked.

"What you in a mood for little nigga?" Chris asked him and I hit him.

"Some hamburgers and fries." He said and Chris chuckled.

"Stop calling my son that." I told him and he laughed as he kept his eyes on the road.


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thatniggachris 😍🤱🏽


Mommy I want a baby brother." Reece said making me choke on my lemonade and Chris to laugh.

"Why?" I asked him confused.

"Because Carter got a little brother and sister." He told me.

"I'm sorry but no." I told him.

"Why?" Chris asked looking at me with a smile.

"Because I said so." I told him chuckling and then fed Royalty a fry.

"Ok so can Royalty have a little brother?" He asked me with a smile looking just like his dad who Was also smiling at me.

"Your not slick Reece."

It's crazy seeing them sitting right next to each other making the same exact face it's like god copied Chris and paste it on a smaller body. Nice to know my babies will never grow into their head and big ears there dad blesses them with.

I took a sip of my lemonade and then spoke. "You know what I just realized Chris." I said sitting my cup down.

"What?" He asked me.

"Just like you our kids will never grow into there head and ears." I told him and he gave me a straight face causing me to laugh so hard.

He chuckled and smiled as he looked at me laughing. "That's funny?" He asked me and I nodded still laughing. "Well just like you our kids our Puerto Rican and can't roll their tongues." He said and I smacked my lips and he stared laughing.


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