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Hahaha I bet you were hoping for an epilogue, well that's not what this is! 

I just wanted to take some time to really thank people. When I first started writing I  was scared to post it but seriously thank you so so much! It has been receive much better than I would have ever thought! 

I have a few people to thank personally for being there all the time and always voting and commenting, but i'm sorry if you do and I miss you out but seriously guys I love you all I just can't remember who votes all the time, give a girl a break ;) x 

@Rarity-of- Truth

So basically, if you want me to I will write a sequel... Just leave your comments bellow

All that's left to say is you have all been amazing, I can't thank you enough for reading and voting and commenting. It may not seem like it but it does actually mean the world to me and in some way it has lifted my spirits, i'm really glad I decided to post the story. If anyone is thinking of posting a story and isn't sure you can always come and talk to me or not even just a story if you ever need someone I'm here. 

So ermm yeah thanks for reading guys x 

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