Part 50-guilt won

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Wahooo 50th chapter partayy!! I have a feeling this fanfic might be coming to the end soon.......


Catherines Point of view

"At this rate, we're not going to have any customers all day" I looked out across the cafe, only 5 people were actually in. It's 12o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon, where are all the workers wanting their lunch? They're all staying at work because they can't be arsed to go out. 

"I know, this has probably one of the shittest days we've had in ages" I wondered around the cafe stopping near the window, looking up at the sky. Brilliant it's covered in cloud after cloud with hints of grey peaking through as you can tell it's a glorious day, especially for sunbathing I expect.

"Yeah, I love days like this" I joked. "I think it's going to torrential rain later" I looked down and I had some black jeans on, red vans and a blue three quarter superdry shirt.  Awesome attire for rain. 

"why, it was really warm the other day" Tom whinnied taking a sip out of his Americano. 

"I know, where's summer gone? Make us a latte?" My Yorkshire accent very prominent 

"That's gonna cost you!"

"Oh really?"



"You have to work extra hard when i'm teaching you badminton next week"

"ughh fine, but I hate it. I remember playing it when I was 15, one of the most boringest sports i've ever played"



There was no point of staying after 3, it was clear we were't going to be busy. If we stayed open we probably would have lost money because of the amount of electricity and other things used. At half 3 we closed and cashed up. Not a substantial amount but it'll do, better than nothing.

"I'm soaking already and we've been stood outside for 5 seconds" I shouted over the heavy noise of rain splatting on the street. 

"Help me, I can't get the door to shut" He stood hunched over the lock trying to close the door 

"Oh move will ya" I shoved him out the way and closed it within 10 seconds.

"Oh fuck off" He gave me a glare and we set off for his house, it's become a regular thing going to his after work.Mainly because I like the company but he does take the opportunity to try and teach me about sport which is a complete ball ache"Where's your coat?"

"It was bright sunshine this morning, why would I bring it" my tone was very cocky as if he should have already known the answer

"Watch the weather on the news maybe?" A sarcastic tone added to his voice

"Shut it, you have a tumble dryer right?"


"good" I looked down at my top that was now see-through allowing people walking past me to see what bra i'm wearing. Dark blue with black lace at the top , if you were wondering. 

The rain started to get heavier it was now bouncing off the pavement. I felt like I had just stepped out the shower, that's how soaked I was. We ran the next few minutes needing warmth and to get out of these clothes.

As soon as he shut the door behind us I was stripping, the clothes clung to me like a flea clings to dogs. I was basically ripping it off of my body. The rain water from my hair was already making a puddle on the floor.

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