Part 4-Surprise

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Catherines point of view

A few hours after Dan left he asked me if i wanted to meet up with him and the guys, was he stalking me or something. I shouldn't be complaining if i good looking guy wants to hangout with me!! The only problem was i was going to meet up with Josh, i didn't want to ditch my bestfriend but i didn't want to say no to Dan. What the dilemma. 

I had an idea..

My hand hovered over the call button nervous to press it, sometime later i did and they picked up.

" erhh hi Dan, yeah i would love to come out with you guys but the problem is i was meeting up with Josh so i was wondering if he could come with?" 

"sure that's fine, right we will come by at 2 is that alright?"

"yup that's great see you then, byee"

and with that i hung up, why was i so nervous god i'm so stupid!!

next on the list text, ring Josh

this time my hand didn't hesitate i just pressed the call button 

" hey Joshhiiee, you know we were meeting up later?"


"well i was wondering if we could still meet up but then meet up with some people later??"

"hmm who are these so called people aye? do i know them, have i met them before?"

"well erhh" i was trying to come up with something in my head i couldn't just tell him we were meeting up with Bastille he'd have a panic attack. " you don't exactly know them, you know of them and you have sort of met one of them..." 

"right..... who the fuck are we meeting i want to know!" 

" mwahah wanna come over to mine now?"

"yeah i'll be over in a few minutes"

Just to clarify Josh doesn't live with Catherine

A few minutes later Josh turned up, great timing since i had  a mouth full of toast. I opened the door and greeted him with a muffled hello. 

" your a sight for sore eyes arn't you" josh tried to comment in between outbursts of laughter 

" ha, funny" i said in a type of monotone voice and a straight face. "I'm off for a shower"

"good job! you stink" 

I turned round and punched him in the arm jokingly, even though i wanted to punch him in the face properly and walked off. 


When i got out the shower it was half 1 " shit" i shouted, i ran out the door wrapped in a towel and my hair soaking wet. 


I was stood in my bra and skinny jeans when he appeared

"what, i was busy watching jezza kyle!!"

" can you hair dry my hair ( that sounded a bit weird) while i put my makeup on, i look like a fucking zombie" 

Before i knew it the clock  struck quarter to two and i was sat in my bedroom half naked applying makeup and Josh drying my hair. I finished my makeup and my hair was almost dry when there was a knock at the door. 

" fuck, right i will straighten my hair and can you answer the door?" 

"what did you last slave die of" Josh shouted whilst going to open the door. 

When all our friends are dead and just a memory ( Bastille Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin