Part 57-Have you got something to hide?

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Catherines point of view

"what do you want woody?" I held the phone to my ear while my face was burried in my pillow

"is everything alright with you and Dan because he's been acting weird recently?"

"..err I don't know. My brain doesn't function at this time" I sat up and yawned. "I guess a few weeks ago he was acting weird with me just when you came back from Australia? does that help"


"what's up"


"don't fuck with me woody, what's up"

"I can't tell you"

"fuck off then" I ended the call immediately. Straight after I had another call, popular girl this morning I thought to myself.

"helloo Em"

"hi Cat, are you alright?" usually it would just be away of starting a conversation but she sounded worried about my welfare... This can't be good.

"yeah,shouldn't I be?"

"ohh so you haven't seen what's going on?"

"what do you mean"

"I follow some stormers on twitter and currently there is all this comeuppance about Dan dating this girl and someone described what they saw and how she looked... that girl isn't you"

"so what are you saying? what did people see?"

"holding hands and hugging apparently"

"ohh fucking hell. Well thanks for telling me, I'm dying from a hangover so I'll catch you later byeee"

I slammed my forehead into the pillow and began to think. I need to ask Dan who this girl is but I can't just come out with it. For sure I was angry but then again I did kiss Tom so...

I clicked on the twitter icon on my phone and it began to load up. I typed 'Bastille' in the search bar. Loads of things came up but one thing I was interested in was this @Bastillearemyfavs (I have noo idea if that's a real @ name or not) tweet. I clicked on to her account and searched through her tweets. I found one relating to the problem:
I don't care if Dan does have a girlfriend, why can't people stop being so pathetic and  let the grown man get on with his life. If he does have one good for him, he deserves it.

Below it she retweeted another stormers tweet:
The other day I was at a Bastille gig and I saw him put his arm around this ginger girl with glasses and kiss her cheek. They looked rather close if you get what I mean. I think it might be Dans girlfriend. 

I felt like tweeting this girl back and be like ha you're so funny. She's not Dans girlfriend because I am. I have neither Ginger hair nor glasses. But they wouldn't believe me anyway and I would certainly be getting some hate for it off 12 year old claiming Dan is 'theirs' .  I couldn't be doing the grief and I'd rather stay a secret, there's something more exciting about it plus I don't get the hassle of fans. Saying that Janna and Chrissy don't get hassle and no one knows Charlie so maybe it would be okay, but I don't know I feel that because Dan is the lead singer people would hate me for it. 

well I can't really use this for evidence he hasn't really done anything I could class as cheating. He does that with Fans all the time. I will have to skype him about it later but for now my head will not leave this pillow.
Woodys point of view

"yeah I did ring her up" I confirmed Dans thoughts while stuffing some toast in my mouth

"what did she say?" he began to chew his nails

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