part 6- sweating problem

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Thank you for all that have read this book so far, i never even thought i would get 10 reads but i must be doing okay if you're all reading it. Please continue to vote, comment and read. Anyway on with the chapter.....

Catherines point of view

We drove around for ages trying to find Kyle, driving down nearly every street near the bar but he was know where to be seen. We need to find him not only because he could be in danger but the woman only payed me for half and hour and it's been more than half an hour, i was getting ripped off and a Yorkshire girl hates getting ripped off. We all tried ringing him but he didn't answer, was he enjoying him self too much ( if ya catch my drift) i hope he wasn't since he has a girlfriend i only found out about 5 minutes ago so now i feel bad but hey ho it was necessary or  he could be unconscious layed in an alley somewhere surrounded by ravenous cats, well he love cats anyway so that could be a positive and a negative for him. 

We resorted in getting out of the car and walking around trying to find him, yes me walking i do walk you know!! We went in groups to go find him, unlucky for me i was in a group with Dan. Que the awkward silence making an appearance again...

Dans point of view

We had to split up in to groups to go look for Kyle, lucky for me i was with Cat. This could be the point that i can actually tell her about how i feel about her. Should I, I don't want to look like a weirdo if she doesn't feel the same way. I was going in for the kill ( i'm doing it for a thrill.... sorry a bit of La Roux i thought i was necessary)

"erhh Cat" oh shit no what am i doing, i can't do this. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to think about what i can say now, should i just say it??

"yes Dan"

there was a long pause, i didn't know what to do, my palms were sweaty and i'm pretty sure i was breaking a sweat too. Oh sweet jesus i don't want it to look like i have a sweating problem now. 

"erhh you look nice tonight, that skirt really suits you"

"oh this thing i didn't want it to look like i made a big effort haha, so are you saying i don't suit my normal clothes Dan?"

I didn't know if she was joking or not but when i looked across she had a huge smirk wiped across her face. 

"no you look gorgeous all the time" i hope she didn't think i was joking because seriously she does look gorgeous all the time

"why thank you" 

"cat what are we?" oh fuck me! i'm such a fucktard why did i just blurt it out like that, it was all coming out, like word vomit ( bit of the beloved mean girls) 

"what do you mean?"

"Cat you know what i mean"

"erhh, well i guess we are friends arn't we?" 

that word killed me, i never predicted that it would feel like this. It felt like someone had just chucked a boulder at my whole body and stamped on my heart (cringey) with spikey shoes. I didn't think that one word could make me feel like this but i guess it could. I had to act like that word didn't kill me so i had to give a completley fake gentle smile. 

"but.... but i guess we're like friends with benifits i mean we kiss and we'ved had sex. So that's what i would class us as Dan, why what would you class us as?"

At this point we had stopped in a back alley, she was stood up leaning against a wall, with my hands pressed up against the wall to the sides of her so i was stood looking her square in the eye. 

"right cat i want to be straight with you, so here it goes. I think you gorgeous, absolutley beatiful and don't try and say you're not because you are. I know i only met you a few days ago but when i saw you in that bar, i was attracted to you instantly. You really do have it all you look great and you have an amazing personality. What more could a guy ask for? When you just said we were friends it killed me inside, it truly did and i guess all that's left to say is i really really like you"

It felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders, my albatross i let it go ( sorry) all that was left was for Catherine to answer.......


MWAHAHA cliff hanger!!

do you think they are  going to get together or not??? Do you want them to get together??

How do you think Catherine is going to reply to that?!? , what would you do?? ( what would you do if your son was at home crying all alone on your bedroom floor because he's hungryyyy) 

Comment and vote pleassee you opinon means the world xx

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