Part 15- that perfection he calls his face

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The days had passed quickly since the pasta day. The day after Catherine was due to go to Manchester she did indeed go visit her friends in Manchester which she was extremely overjoyed about, however she wasn't overjoyed about the wake up. Being woke up at 6 by Dan poking her face and taking a picture of her. Lets just say she wasn't that please, she responded by grabbing his finger and making him delete the picture. It wasn't the best wake up she ever had especially since her and Dan didn't do much sleeping the night before ( if you catch my drift) .Her happiness improved thought the day with meeting up with her friends, she told them about Dan which they were ecstatic about. She trusted the completely so she told them who he was and what he did. Primarily they were shocked, really shocked but they were happy for her.

For the the next two days they never met up. Dan was busy with work, practising for Friday and preparing for the American tour. Catherine was busy with work and Uni so they both had no time for each other. 

Sorry for the shitty intro i just couldn't be bothered to write about the whole day in Manchester 

Dans point of view - (being interviewed)

Bits in bold are the interviewer speaking 

"so are you excited for tonight, i believe you have sold out how does that feel?" "This is so wicked, i can't believe were playing at a venue like this and were completely sold out!! Its fucking mental, i'm such a pessimist so i never think anyone's going to come or if they do they have just bought tickets for a joke or something. But we've been incredibly lucky and most have our gigs have been sold out " 

 "you have been extremely lucky and you have had the chance to travel the world. where has been your most favorite place you have been to so far?"                                                                   "ermm.. oh god been put on the spot now! I loved visiting Japan, we did a little festival there and one of my band mates is obsessed by cats and i do mean obsessed and we visited this little cafe that had real cats in and you could play with them, he must have thought he had died and gone to heaven!! But we also did a festival in America called South By Southwest which was in Texas. I loved being in Texas they have a lot of bbq stuff and they love hot sauce and the Band is obsessed by hot sauce it was just amazing! This inspired us to bring out our own hot sauce called Bad blood hot sauce."

"ohh sounds nice might buy some myself, right now we are moving on to some fan questions are you okay with that?"                                                                                                                                         "yeah that's fine with me"


" how come you're the only single one of the band?"                                                                              "oh cheers for picking that question, as if i'm not already socially awkward enough. Erhh i guess I just havn't found the right one yet, that sounds really cheesey now!!"

"and what's your idea of the 'right one' then?"                                                                                                 "well.... i'd love a girl who has the same interests as mine like the same movies and music taste as me. That's really important to me since music is like, well my job. I'd like her to be funny and she could also have a laugh. She has to be fun to, a not fun girl is just a NO! 

 "well thank you for speaking to us and answering some akward fan questions "                                "hahahaa, it's okay thanks for having me"

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