Part 43-Oh that hair

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Catherines Point of view

"I wanna build you up brick by brick" me and Josh sing at the top of our lungs looking for a space in the blue car park as it's called surrounded by fields, fields and fields. Festival goers surround the gate clutching onto their tents and other possessions. When we finally find a space we park up and get our cow print tent out and some other bags containing food, clothes, alcohol and other necessities. By the time we reach the gate it's about 1. 

We approached the pink haired woman on the end of the gate "Hi welcome to Glastonbury festival, what you want to do it follow the path then turn left and find yourself a plot for your tent. If you get lost just follow the wave of people looking for spaces to put their tent too. Enjoy now" She gave us a wave and we walked off squealing that we're actually here. 

It was smart of us to bring a pop-up tent because if not we would have been here till the whole festival finished still trying to put it up. After we laid everything out and wrote down in or phones where our tent was it was time for a look around. Apparently we wern't the only ones with a cow print tent, we passed at least another 3 who had the same one in the sea of colourful and patterned tents. I wanted to get this one that's in a shape of a camper van but it was over £200 so that was out of the question.

I had realised when walking round because we had to so long to get in and get settled down we missed HAIM on the pyramid stage, i'm so pissed that we missed them Josh knows how much I love them. But we have made it in time to watch Jake Bugg playing soon ;Because I'm so small mine and Joshes deal was to put my on his shoulders and push our way forward and I can kick people if the get in the way. 


Well that's a lot harder than we thought, we only made it about half way through the crowd for Jake Bugg but at least we wern't at the back. He was amazing, the crowd was amazing. The whole atmosphere is just so mind blowing, can I just stay here and never leave. 

I promised Dan that I would try and get to the front for Bastilles set on the John Peel stage but the Vaccines are playing before them and that's at the Pyramid stage and it takes probably 30 minutes at a push to get between each stage. The Vaccines finish at 7.30 and Bastille starts at 7.40. Fuck sake what am I going to do.

We walked around for a bit trying to find out way through Glastonbury  it was horrific we must have got lost about 7 times. One more thing to complain about the toilets. I hate portaloos, HATE WITH A STRONG PASSION. Good job I brought tons of hand sanatizer with me. We met the guys behind the John Peel stage they had the comfort of their yellow tour bus where as we had to sleep in a tent. Trying to get to meet them was such a kerfuffle. Let me tell you security is tight. 

We left just in time to make it near the front of The Vaccines with all the moshers and sweaty bodies surrounding us. I think one of the best songs they played was If you wanna. The crowd was electrifying everyone was jumping around drinking it was the best. I could feel vibrations but I'm not sure if it's the vibrations from the stage or my phone. I check in my pocket just in case. 

"hello?" I screamed down the phone covering my ear with my spare hand 

"Cat are you here yet?" Dan shouted back 

"fuck, no i'm on my way. See you in a minute I promise I'll be there" I put the phone back and told Josh we need to get to the John Peel stage quick. We weaved in and out trying to avoid the mass of people. When we got to the tent the place was crawling with people. There must have been at least 300 people stood outside,how am I going to get to the front now? 

"erhh Cat, we're not going to get to the front" Josh said with panic dripping from his voice 

"yes we are, just barge" He looked at me for a second and I started to run off into the crowd. I pushed people out the way and i'm pretty sure someone spat on me, the things I do for Dan. It helps that i'm small so I can fit through tiny gaps in the crowd. After some disputes we finally made it to the front just in time to see them all walk on to stage. 

When all our friends are dead and just a memory ( Bastille Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now