Part 22- the thug life

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Catherines Point of view

It's only 9 o'clock in the morning and I'm up, i've showered, i've eaten and received a bunch of bad news, it's just brilliant. Nicola and Leah can't make it because they are both "ill"... apparently. Some how I think it's bullshit because they posted pictures on twitter last night of them at a party. Their lying techniques are even better than mine, they're tip top.

So now it's just me James and Lee, in a car together. I don't even know them that well, we occasionally chat and go out together but we're always in a group of people so it's not that bad, but now it's just us three!?! Can I just curl up in a ball and die now? 


It's now 12 and i'm perched on the back seat of my car next to Lee. James offered to drive, so why would I say no? I am quite doubtful about letting him drive my car, for starts he's not insured so it's illegal- the thug life. Second if he crashes my car, the insurance company won't pay for it. However I warned him if he crashed my car and/ or got caught by the police I would take a pillowcase, fill it with bars of soap and beat the shit of of him. And I was being deadly serious. 

I am actually amazed about how well I get along with them both, we got along like a wooden house on fire. It feels like I have known them for ages, well I have but you get the idea... We all have nearly the exact same taste in music like Vampire Weekend, Jake Bugg amongst others. We're actually thinking about going to a festival together. 

About 45 minutes in to the journey we stopped off at a service station because I needed something with caffeine, I am so tired I could drift off to sleep sat on a toilet right now. We went in to costa coffee and I ordered a double shot cappuccino to take out and paid for it, in all honesty I only got that because It comes with chocolate on top. Yum.  I noticed the guys were hovering round the food like flies, 

"you guys want anything,You just seem to be edging closer to the food every time i look at you?" 

"Erhh nahh we'll be fine" James replied, i knew for a fact at least one of them was hungry. Lee to be specific. In the car I was lying down with my head on his legs and the noises that were coming out of his stomach sounded like there was a thunderstorm in it. Someone wasn't as prepared as me and had no breakfast. 

"stop being faggots, What flavour crisps do you want?"

"I don't mind" Ughh why can't they just make their own decisions, i'm not their mothers!

I walked back to the counter with my phone in one hand trying to text Dan back and in the other hand I was holding three packets of crisps, I look like a right pig now! I dropped the crisps on the counter trying not to make eye contact with the cashier for two reasons. One I'm about to purchase three packets of crisps making me look like a fat bitch. Two the cashier was pretty good looking and I just made a fool out of myself because of all the food i'm buying. 

"are you buying all of these" he gave a quick smile which melted my heart like butter. I know what you're thinking i'm a right slut because I already have a boyfriend but even so I can still say if people are good looking or not! Stop judging me, please. 


"No i'm stealing them. I just wanted to show you first" I was trying to be witty but I think it came off as sarcastically offensive. Either that or i have something in my teeth because as soon as I finished my sentence his gorgeous smile dropped.

"sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that"

"it's alright babe" Did he just call me babe? I think he did? "hot and feisty just the way I like them" Sorry? It could just be me but I'm pretty sure he called me hot. HE CALLED ME HOT. hmm what do i say back? Not so bad your self? nooo I don't want to seem like i'm leading him on.

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