part 10-you first

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Happy new year and all the jazz.. 

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the people who have read this or are reading this and even though I said i wasn't going to update today since it's my birthday i still am... GOD I AM LITERALLY TOO DEDICATED... no it's okay you don't have to thank me *takes a bow* 


Catherines point of view

"hi mum, hi dad, what are you doing here?"

"we thought you would come and suprise you"

"well, mission acomplished, is James with you?"

"yeah, your brother's just parking the car"

"speaking of the devil, here he is, JAM!!" I pulled my brother in to a forceful hug, which he didn't seem to enjoy. I have no idea why. 

" you alright sis, ohh you have company do you?" i'm guessing he was talking about Dan unless there is another person in my flat that i had no idea about 

"erhh yeah, mum, Dad, Jam this is Dan. Haha Jam and Dan rhyme i'm a poet and i didn't know it" fucking hell i was rambling they will know somethings up, i walked in to the kitchen and dragged Dan out with me to meet my parents and brother 

"ohh Cat's got a boyfriend I see" James could be so patronizing sometimes even though i should be the one patronizing him because i'm older

"Good one dick weed, actually Dans just a friend" I stared at Dan as if to ask him if he could go along with this as well

I ushered them in to the lounge and asked them if they wanted tea, why did i even need to ask i should have just made it. 

"Dan can you help me with the tea please"

"ohh Cat's getting her boyf to help her" this was obviously piss funny to my brother where as i just stood there with a straight face, as you can tell i found the situation hilarious. There was no point in asking him to stop, brothers have a nasty habit of making fun of anything you ever do. So instead i took the best approach possible. I marched over to where he made himself comfortable on my sofa and i tightly wrapped my hands round his neck strangling him. He tried his best to pull my hands off his neck but even with his best efforts my hands only got tighter, eventually i stopped when i realised he couldn't actually breath. 

"whats that?" i asked him, " ohh your sorry!" i walked off into the kitchen with a smug look on my face hauling Dan behind me. 

"i'm sorry about that" as you could tell i wasn't expecting them

"why don't you just tell them about us instead of lying to them"

He had a good point actually, should i tell them. But then i would get James being like i told you so and my parents would question him and one of the questions will be how long have you known each other and the answer is about a week then they would be like so you don't even know each other that much. So it is just easier to lie. 

"because we arn't officially going out, so it's just easier not telling them. Just trust me"


Later on catherines mums point of view

"so Dan what do you do?"

"erhmm, i'm in a musician in a band called Bastille"

"oh yeah i have heard of you, you're in the video for pompeii you run a bit spazzy!!"

"yeah i do haah" you could tell Dan was nervous by  the way he laughed 

When all our friends are dead and just a memory ( Bastille Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now