part 9-pretend your making tea

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Dans point of view

how could she be so cold to me after last night, i just poured my heart out to her. What am I meant to do now I can't just keep ingoring her but she's the one in the wrong here so why should i be the first one to talk. 

"bye", what, what just happened. Did she just leave me in her house? Does she want me to stay here until she gets back or do i just go. I pace up and down here kitchen, did i make the right decision asking her out, oh fuck. 

Catherines point of view

I don't even know why I turned up to uni today I can't even think straight,all i can think about it how bad i must have made Dan feel and this just makes me feel even more guilty. I hate the feeling of guilt but I hate apologising even more. I need help. With guilt washed over me I go and seek out Josh. Its the end of class for today so hopefully if i'm quick i will catch him.( Josh is doing the same subject as Catherine so they are in the same class, just thought i would clear that up) 

As i was about to loose hope of finding him i hear a familiar voice in front of me. He was with a group of his friends, well this would be embarrassing. 

"Josh!!!...Josh" oh god Josh turn around I don't want to have to run up to you and do actual exercise, thank Christ he turned around. He gave a quick smile, before leaving his friends to walk up to me.

"Whats up chica?"

" I need your help. Desperately.  Come get a coffee with me or something and i will tell you"

" all right because im soo amazing i will come with you, i'll just go tell the guys"


Catherines point of view ( at the coffee shop) 

"right then what did you need to tell me"

"please Josh you can't tell anyone, but me and Dan are going out for a week just for a trial then at the end of the week if it went well we will just go out but if not then byyee."

"ohh baby come here, well done" he squeezed me tightly in to a bear hug . "so what's the problem then?"

"well shall we say we had a bit of a lovers tiff. and i was stressed out this morning and I shouted at him and then we didn't talk so i just walked out"

 "well it could have been worse, you could have knocked him out like you do to anyone who fucks with you, God i'm pretty sure you have an anger problem"

"yeah i think i do, just add it to the list of my other problems, but now what do I do"


"but i can't i'm not good at doing that"

"well you going to have to try because i can't do it for you"

"but why" i looked at him with puppy eyes, trying to make him give in 

"i'm not meant to know remember, so you have to go it alone" 

"For fuck sake, why do you give out such good and truthful advise it's annoying really, i better be off then. I have to apologise"

"bye chica, text me later and tell me how it went, ohh and please don't hit him"

"will do and I will try and restrain myself" 


Catherines point of view

I had to apologize i knew that, at first i thought i would text him but then that would be a bit cowardly of me, then i thought i'd ring him and apologize hopefully this way he could here the apologetic tone in my voice but then what if he doesn't accept it what am i meant to do then. Right i will have to resort to inviting him over so we're face  to face. But i will text him the invite. 

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