Part 47-we're not good for each other

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Kyles Point of view

"Man this is really hard you know. You know you can't keep this up forever and we can't either" Dan sat across from me head in hands with a bottle of Jameson whiskey to the right of him and a glass of it on the table in front, despite it only being 11am; Sydney time. 

This week's been hard not just for Dan for all of us, ignoring Cat just to protect Dan, especially after the other night when I had ago at her. I know we've know each other for ages and we're basically brothers but I can't do this, I love Cat she's like a sister. He's been so agitated all week and it's really not doing any good for him. 

I know he needs to tell her in his own time, but this time has to be soon. I think she knows somethings up because of the countless times she's called me and text saying how's Dan and me ignoring her questions. When she finds out she will be on the rampage and not telling her now will make it even worse. 

"don't you think I know that I need to tell her?" He snapped at me lifting his head up gulping down the glass of whisky that lay before him ."Sorry mate, I didn't mean to shout. It's just that when I tell her she's going to hate me, I just know it. She'll be livid. But I want to tell her face to face, I owe her that."

"mate don't worry it'll be fine. It was a bit of a dick move but if she really loves you she might be able to see past it" 

"but that's it, what if she doesn't love me enough. For fuck sake the other week she couldn't tell me she loved me Ky" Dan began to lightly sob. Shit what do I do now? I gently patted him on the back trying to console him, I looked around for someone to help me but everyone has deserted me. 


Catherines Point of view

"Tom are you even listening to me?" I whacked him in the belly 

"so have I got this right?, Dan keeps getting jealous because you hang around with a lot of guys and he thinks you're always cheating on him. So you are having a little break with him, then Kyle rung up the other day ranting and raving about Dan being seriously drunk. Then you haven't heard from anyone since?"

"yeah basically"


"I don't know what to do, I think something's up. Why are they all ignoring me, i'm quite close to Kyle and we always talk but he's being ignoring me. I've tried Will and Woody and they haven't replied to any of my texts, calls, tweets. I fucking tried everything. I know somethings wrong. What if Dan hates me and told everyone to stop all contact" I slumped down near the fridge holding my head in my hands. I felt Tom slide down next to me and put his arm around me pulling me closer to him. 

"it's fine. If he has, he's a dick and I will beat the shit out of him for you. But for now we have a customers and Lindas not here to help. So get your motherfucking arse up and serve some customers now"

 "thanks babe" I laughed after calling him that it's become a bit of a joke of ours calling each other babe. 


After locking up for some reason I didn't want to go home, therefore I didn't. The only place that allowed me to think properly ever since I was little is the beach. I wasn't going to go back home to Whitby to the beach instead I opted to head on the train to Brighton. It wasn't even sunny, it's pretty miserable. The weather matched my feelings. 

On the train a man probably a tiny bit older than me in a suit and briefcase in hand sat next to me. If he started to talk to me I will honest to God kill my self by throwing myself off this train, i'm not in the mood. Josh kept on calling me as well because we were going to meet up after work. Every time he called, nearly every 7 seconds the man looked at my phone. I tried to make it look as if I never noticed but I notice everything. Just call me Sherlock.  Instead of answering it like I should have I turned my phone off and shoved it in the bottom of my bag, his eyes burning into my face. 

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