Part 13-battered by a gang

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catherines point of view

"JOOOSHHH, Dans ringing me he's rung me about 15 times already" i think i'm actually having a panic attack. What even classes as a panic attack because i'm sat on Joshes bed punching him in the arm at the fact that my phone is ringing, i can't breathe properly and i'm shaking like a leaf. 

Joshes point of view

"Owww i'm such a good friend to you and i get thanked by you punching me in the arm" i tried to say it as jokingly as i could but in all honestly i think my arm is about to drop off. Disadvantage off bruising easily I will now look like i've been battered by a gang or something with my black and purple arm. Brill. 

"Cat, something is obviously important if he's bothered ringing you a billion fucking times so pick up!!"

"you right... again. ....Wait what if he's rung me to brake up with me, he doesn't even want to do it face to face with me because i'm so violent he hates me that much. Nooo i fucked up soo much, guess i will just have to pay the piper" 

"well, it's his loss then isn't it, just put yourself out your missery will you, and answer the phone babe" 

Catherines point of view

"here we go moment of truth" (just imagine the jaws tune playing whilst reading that, adds to the dramatic effect) 


"where the fuck are you , i've been ringing you for ages now?"

"i'm really sorry about what happened, i'm at Joshes"

"err... right can you meet me at the cafe you work at and we'll talk..."

Oh great he's taking me to my place of work to get rid of me, this is going to be so much fun I can see it now. 

"yeah, i'll be there soon" i tried not to sound to depressed but it's hard knowing that you are the reason for the break up and with that i hung up and got ready for the gloom and doom. 


I walked in to the cafe. The clang of the door made me jump i have no idea why i should have know it was coming, Tom was stood at the counter serving some customers, he gave a quick smile to me and resumed boiling milk. There were quite a few customers dotted around a few regulars that i recognised. Great now everyone can see me about to cry my eyes out. At least Tom was there, he always knew how to cheer me up. I'm so glad i met him he's such a good friend. All of this was whizzing round my mind when i spotted Dan at a table in the corner. 

I pondered over to him giving him a quick everything's fine kind of smile and to my surprised i received one back (you know the one i mean!!). Christ he look gorgeous right now which only makes me want him more. Stop it Catherine you're going to stop lusting over him. I stopped mentally arguing with myself as I took a seat at Dans table. 

"errrr.. Hellloo"

"hi" he gave a cheeky wink and he spoke. Why  do this to me Daniel!! At this moment in time I really wanted to put my hand round his throat and choke him. He was doing his on purpose wasn't he?

"soo.." why I do love a good awkward silence... well fucking put me out my misery Dan!

"right Cat... After you slapped Sarah and walked out we had a conversation about the one she was having before the incident"


"and well.. I told her I wasn't going to end it with you just because of publicity"

I think I may have cramp in my cheeks from smiling like a Cheshire cat. I'm going have to try and stop smiling... no no i can't this is just making me overjoyed. ( oh i feel overjoyed, when I listen to your wooorrddss. SORRY JUST HAD TO)

"but..." I knew this had to be too good to be true 

"we have to be careful about who we tell. What i mean is I have to pretend to be single if i'm being interviewed of anything and if you do tell people about us you're going have to tell them to keep their mouths shut" 

"yeah, that's fine. I can deal with that at least i wont have press or anything sniffing around me because they could end up with what i did to Sarah. I'm sorry about that by the way"

"noo i completely get why you did it, its fine. I will just have to remember not to mess with you. First you punched a girl in the face then you slapped one, what's next." 

"well you never know with me. Anyway can we get something here i'm hungry plus i'll get discount and a Yorkshire girl like me loves a skosh ( yes skosh is a word google it if you don't belive me) of discount" 

I settled with a BLT baguette (mmm it's making me hungry) and Dan was having a cheese and ham toastie. I just walked in to the kitchen to order it.... what i work here!! Plus I wanted to say hi to Linda, my boss, she's like a mum to me. I was going to tell her about me and Dan but I thought it was a bit to soon. 

"Catty you can just pay for the food, drink are on the house" 

"awhh cheers Lind" i gave her a quick squeeze and walked out. I had to go behind the counter anyway to put my money in the till so i thought i would just make the drinks myself. Mocha for Dan and a tea for me. Some how i ended up serving two customers. 

I returned to my table to see Dan smiling on his phone. 

"what you smiling at mr"

"just told the guys about us and they're all so happy. Kyle said welcome to the family"

"oh i see i wasn't in the family before then... rejected "


we were interrupted when Tom brought us our food, he gave me a wink and i swear i saw Dan scowl 


Thank you soo much for reading, are you liking the story so far? Do you think Dan and Cat are a good match? please comment with your views they are very much appreciated

Just a little inside scoop in the next few chapters it's not going to be all roses ;) 

Been listening to some arctic monkeys, Vampire weekend, Haim, the 1975 and Sam smith whilst i have been writing this if you havn't heard any of their music you should defiantly check it out some of my favorites are: 

Arctic monkeys: Fluorescent adolescent, all of the new AM album, brick by brick, don't sit down 'cause i've moved your chair 

Vampire weekend: a-punk, unbelievers, diane young, cape cod kwassa kwassa

Haim: just baisically all the album  

the 1975: just the whole album again

sam smith: safe with me 

Thank you xx

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