Part 11-my baby has grown up so fast

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Catherines point of view

"Dan that was beautiful and really soppy , but I don't think I can live with out you too. This has been one of the best weeks I have had in ages and it's all thanks to you.I'm not going in to detail like you because I don't do stuff like that but I would love to be your girlfriend for real this time."

We stood up and Dan embraced me in his arms. I rested my head in the crook of his neck whilst he brushed my hair with his fingertips. He left small but pleasurable kisses on my neck which made me laugh with excitement. I wrapped my legs round his slim waist and he carried me to his room. He gently layed me down on the dark blue bedding and he started to passionately kiss me. I tugged at his black joy division top and he lifted his arms up so i could pull it off him. He ran his hands up and down my legs sending shivers down my spine and he pulled me jeans off. Within 1 minute we were both completely naked, I was on top of Dan and he was inside me.......(ahh migh christ that was so cringey to write)

Dans point of view

Well that was fun... a lot of fun.....My heart is still racing but this time in a good way. Beads of sweat were still on my forehead but it was from the act that I just committed (ooops I didn't mean for it to sound sinister but it does) But my nerves had completely gone, they had been replaced with happiness. 

There was no where i would rather be than right now besides layed in bed with my girlfriend. Fuck that sounds weird, calling her my girlfriend. Even though I didnn't want to be any where but here there was some where i have to go. 

Catherines point of view

"shit!! Cat we have to go now!" there was a sense of urgency to Dans voice, so it had to be important 

"ughh where, can't we just stay in bed"

"no come on we have to go"


There is certain similarities between me and Dan that i noticed when we were getting changed. He nearly always wears skinny jeans, i nearly always wear skinny jeans. But his are black and mine are blue. He always wears t-shirts, i nearly always wear t-shirts apart from the odd occasion i wear jumpers. His choice of footwear are his beloved converse and so are mine. So basically his choice of attire is the same as mine but i wear a more girly version. Not a fan of wearing boys clothing really. 

We walked out of his room, our hands intertwined. Sophie was sat in the lounge in her pajamas wrapped in a blanket eat a packet of crisps. She was completely engrossed in the tv program she was watching; too engrossed to even me and Dan walking out the front door. 

"dan where are we going?" i whinnied like a little child asking their parents for a present at Christmas. This must have been about the fifth time i've asked now. 

"you'll see in a minute" he kept replying the same thing over and over again. 

We were in London some where. I don't think I have even been to this part but there was loads of sizable buildings right next to each other towering over me. Finally we stopped and Dan told me we were here.

"where is here Dan?"

" This is where we practise"

Fuck. That means The entirety of Bastille will be here. That means sitting and watching Bastille perform which could be fatal because I might faint, In front of Bastille. As if they don't think i'm weird enough for trying to sell off Kyle i might make a bigger idiot out of myself if i faint. Pull your self together girl you can't faint!! Oh shit, this means we have to now tell them about me and Dan. 

Dan walked in to the room first, he just waltzed in like this was his house. I quickly followed. I hated this feeling, the feeling of not knowing what's going to happen now, the feeling of being vulnerable. Dan was quick to grasp me round my waist which made me feel more safe and protected. 

"aye aye" Kyle gave a wolf whistle just to put the icing on top of the cake. "what's happening here then?"

Me and Dan just looked at each other, and I looked down at my hands that were in the grasp of Dans as Dan told them all that we are together. I looked up after he had finished, que the judgmental, really she's your girlfriend stares. I was waiting but there wasn't any. Instead they all engulfed us in to a group hug.  

 "my baby has grown up so fast" Kyle pretended to wipe a tear from his eye 

"Kyle, how can i be your baby. I'm older than you"

"don't sass me Danny boy" 

We were still in a group hug when a woman i would say around the age of 38 walked in. She had short blond hair, she was wearing a suit and sunglasses. I must say she looked very official. 

"erhh hi guys, whats happening here then, i don't allow foursomes whilst practising. Sorry"

"fivesome actually Sarah" they broke off the group hug to reveal me stood in the middle. Oh fuck what am I meant to do now. 

" hi i'm Catherine," do i say i'm Dans girlfriend or not? I just put my hand out and she shook it. She slid down her glasses and rested them on her nose. Her eyes were looking me up and down. (someones a bit judgmental) 

"Sarah this is my girlfriend" well i didn't have to say anything Dan just said it for me " Cat, this is Sarah our agent/manager, she's like the boss and she handles all the PR and things like that"

Sarah spluttered out her coffee that she had just took a sip of. "your girlfriend, Dan i need a word. Can we talk out side, you can come to" She just pointed to me. how rude.she didn't even say my name to she just said you. What a fucking bitch, anger was boiling inside of me ready and i was ready to explode like a volcano. I havn't even known her for two minutes and i already hate her. Yes HATE. Now i'm the judgmental one, well i always have. We stepped outside in to the corridor. 

"look Dan there is no easy way for saying this, but that can't be your girlfriend." THAT? THAT?!  WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS, WHAT RIGHT DOES SHE HAVE TO REFER TO ME AS THAT? 

" i mean you are the only single one out of the group and we need that advantage to be able to make you more popular, especially with the girls" she gave a wink, UGHH i just want to attack her. Stay calm, breathe in and out.  "if you do want to date, i think it would be best to date a celebrity so you can boost your popularity" 


Right this volcano is about to erupt. 

"Excuse me," she looked at me for the first time in the eye. " who the fuck do you think you are telling Dan who he can and can't date just because of publicity and popularity. How dare you refer to me as that and you when i just told you my frikin name. Who do you think you are?!" 

" his manager babe, you done having your tantrum?"

"your right, i think i may have given you the wrong impression. IF YOU HAVE A FUCKING SUGGESTION ABOUT HOW I SHOULD HAVE PRESENTED MYSELF TO YOU, WRITE IT ON A PIECE OF PAPER, FOLD IT UP AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS". With that rant, i had one last thing to add to it. I rose my hand up to the side of her face and slapped her, hard. After that i just walked out leaving Dan behind me, dumbstruck. 

Well that was fun wasn't it?

what do you think of Sarah?Did you like Catherines speech to her?, did you think she over reacted/, what would you have said?, What do you want to happen next? Please comment with your ideas. 

Thank you so much for reading please keep on reading, commenting and voting xx

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