part 7- downton abbey

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Catherines Point of view

Well what am i meant to say to that now!! He just put his heart on his sleeve but i'm not very good at that so i can't. ARGHH WHY HAS DAN DONE THIS TO ME?!?! What i really wanted to do was tell him how i felt about him, i hardly even know him but when i'm with him i have such a good time but at the same time I can't pretend i live in a perfect world, i have emotional baggage which will always be my downfall, he is a celebrity there will be thousands of girls pining for him and i'm not sure if i could deal with that. Yet again i'm stuck in another fucking dilemma. 

"look Dan i.i..i" my words arn't coming out but actions speak louder than words. So instead i Leant in and i passionately kissed him, our lips moving in sync until i broke it off. Right this time i wanted to have a crak at getting my words out. Take two. 

"Dan i think i might like you too, but i don't know if i'm ready for this, for us."

Once again i had broken his heart, i didn't intend to but i did. SHIT WHAT AM I DOING, there is a gorgeous man asking me out why did i just say that?!

 "but i would give it a try if you were prepared, how about we are together for a week, test the waters with it after the week is over we both tell each other how we think it went. If we both liked it we will continue to be together, if not we can remain friends. Condition is we can't tell anyone about it yet. Yes or no?"

"yes.. yes all i wanted is to be given a chance and now i've got one thank  you soo much"

This time Dan leant in, his face was a few centimeters away from my own. He stared deep into my eyes and i allowed him to mostly because i was getting lost in his. This moment was bliss and i would remember it always, nothing could ruin this moment. Well i thought nothing could. Until Dans phone started to ring, it was Will.

Dans point of view

I couldn't help it but when i was on the phone my face was lit up, i couldn't help but smiling. My life seems like its finally getting on tracks. 

"wicked, you found him! right meet back at Cats car and try not to loose him"

"if you hav't guessed they have found him"

"where was he?"

"back at the club, i told them we would meet back at your car"

Catherines Point of view

Dan offered out his hand, "madame will you accompany me on this glorious night back to your car?"

i took his hand, "it would be my pleasure mr smith" we were acting like something out of downton abbey but i didn't really care, for this one moment in my life nothing else mattered just me and Dan. 

On our way back to my car hand in hand we talked about what seemed everything, how eventful this night was, Uni, America, touring, Blackpool just a mixture of everything. When we got closer to my car i let go of Dans hand and he looked quite taken back and wounded. 

" remember i told you that we wouldn't tell anyone" 

I could see Kyle from a mile off, he looked like he had been dragged through a fence backwards and for all i know he could have been. Guilt was washed over me as i went to go talk to him. 

"hey stranger, how did it go?" i tried to ease the mood by talking in a southern American accent 

" she took me outside and made out with me, she then tried to touch me up and she suggested we had sex near some bins so no one could see us, that's how it went" he looked mega pissed off like he would throw a brick at my head

This was probably not the best idea but i couldn't help it, i just laughed and laughed i was in hysterics about the whole situation. I think the guys found the funny side of it because they were laughing with me, well i hope they were laughing with me and not at me. 

"i'm glad this is all a big joke to you, if Janna finds out my relationship is over" Hmm it was safe to say Kyle didn't find the funny side of it he just found the pissed off side. 

"Look Kyle i din't mean for this to happen and i am so sorry, she won't find out because non of us are going to mention it again are we guys"

I looked around at they guys giving a look that kind of said if you breathe a word of this i will kill you. Yeah that kind of look.

After the antics of the night, i drove them all home. It was just me and Dan left in the car, i didn't want it to seem suspicious i just told them that Dan lived the closest to me so there was no point of dropping him off first, which was completely true apart from the bit that i said dropping him off because i wasn't dropping him off any where.


Ohhh they are together but when the week is over will they still be??

This chapter was quite shit, don't judge me its like 10 in the morning in England so i'm still half asleep. Just wanted to let you know the updates will be slowing down since i'm going back to school soon and i need t0 start revising for my monopoly of exams ughh :( 

Anyway thank you for reading please comment and vote xx

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