part 8-the boy wonder

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Catherines point of view

I woke up with the sun beaming through the window blinding me, the annoying way when someone turns your light on whilst your just waking up. ( i fucking hate it when that happens). I could here breathing next to me and the covers slowly moving up and down As recall last nights antics. I tried to carefully move the covers off me not waking Dan up but my idea of careful wasn't that good since  a pair of arms wrapped around my waist tightly like a snake signalling that I woke Dan up. 

"stay in bed for a bit longer" his voice was beautiful normally but his morning voice was another story. It was croaky, husky, hoarse and extremely sexy.

I didn't need much persuading at this time in the morning. I just put the covers back on top of us and curled up next to Dan with his arm around me. I put my head on his chest, listen to his rhythmic heart beat and slowly drifted back off to a peaceful sleep. 

Unfortunately I wasn't woken up peacefully, I got woken up by the lovely sound of the toilet flushing. I peaked one eye open first then the other. I peered over to the clock besides me, the time is 7.56 ( just to be awkward). Ughh why is it so early, i just want to go back to sleep.

"FUCK" I screamed in horror as I remembered it was the first day back to uni after a 3 week holiday. I needed to get ready, this is all Dans fault, if he didn't seductively ask me to stay in bed i wouldn't have!! As I was pinning all this on Dan in my head the boy wonder ran in.

"whats up?" you could tell in an instant he was worried from the concern in his voice and his eyes 

"i'm menna be at fucking uni soon that's whats up" 

"oh is that it, i thought it was mega important"

"oh yeah it's not that important just my fucking education, that i'm paying for" I didn't mean to snap at Dan but i was too stressed and it was too early in the morning, i havn't had to think about Uni for weeks now.

I quickly went to go have a shower usually my showers take about 45 minutes to an hour ( yes seriously that is how long i usually take, yes I'm am the source of the ice caps melting or whatever) i shoved on some acid washed jeans, rolled the ankles up, white converse and a stripey shirt. I put some toast in the toaster before i did my make up so it would be ready, i applied my makeup but just as i was about to put my mascara on i could smell.. burning......

"fuck, that'll be my toast" 

I left my makeup to go make myself some new toast, this time it turned out alright. I grabbed the nutella jar out from the cupboard and spread it all over my toast. ( if you havn't tried nutella on toast, first what the fuck is wrong with you?! and second try it, it will change your life completely.. hmmm maybe slight exaggeration but 'tis gorgeous). Before i took a bite i went to go finish my make-up. I was walking through my kitchen door and Dan was walking in to my kitchen, he didn't say a word we just brushed shoulders. 

"ohh someones a bit frosty" i commented before i walked out. I soon realised that wasn't the best thing to do since i have to walk back in and get my beloved toast. I thought about apologising but why, nothing that i said to him was even that bad.

I entered the kitchen to see Dan sat at my breakfast bar with a cup of tea, just make yourself at home why don't you. I took the seat next to him and quietly ate my toast, well as qutie as your can be whilst munching on toast. We never exchanged words or even looks he just sat drinking his tea and i sat eating my toast. ( i feel like i'm going on a bit too much about toast am i, if so tell me if i was in the comments hahah) 

As soon as i finished i put the plate in the sink, walked out got my jacket on, got my bag with all my books and pens. It didn't look like he was going to say a word he is a stubborn as a stain on my grandmas oven and let me tell you it's pretty stained. I guess i was going to have to apologise at some point, but that somepoint is later. I just sternly shouted bye at him and walked out. 


Do you think they are a good pair now?!, do you think catherine was right or wrong to shout at Dan, should she have apologized??

Was i rambling too much about toast, but seriously i would deeply advise you to try it if you havn't already and if you have i love you. 

Let me know what you think comment and vote please. Thankyou xx 

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