Part 18-sauntered sassily

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Kyles point of view


I have never felt so guilty in my life. Catherine was only joking when she said this could cause a rift but she was actually being truthful. 

After Cat left we were all cowering on the floor. Dan usually was the calm one, but when he's angry he is fucking destructive. You could hear him in the room next to us pacing up and down on the laminate floor. He kept on mumbling things to him self but none of us could make out what he was  saying. 

"one of us should go see if he's alright" I didn't want to speak to loud because truth be told I was actually scared. Yes I know what you're thinking. Me Kyle Jonathan Simmons scared? But I was, Dan could be ferocious. 

They all just gave me looks as if to say not me. For god sake there was only one option.....

"Jan Jan please go see if he's alright" She couldn't resist my chocolate brown puppy eyes, they are irresis-tible!!

"NO KYLE" well.. she was very stern about it

"fuck you all!" I gave the all the middle finger as I sauntered sassily out the room. 

I was a bit hesitant to walk in the room but i guess someone had to do it

"you alright mate?" I was thinking about going to put my hand on his shoulder for, you know support. But I didn't want to get to close, he might detach it from my body. Well he wouldn't actually being a pacifist and all that but he could metaphorically rip me to shreds with words. I am a very fragile person okay?

"Do I look like i'm fucking alright Kyle, my girlfriend... well i think she's still my girlfriend just basically admitted she hates me infront of all of you" His hands were placed on the back of his neck whilst he was still pacing up and down. 

"...sorry, I just thought it would help. It might be better if you talk to her about it"

"Are you fucking kidding me Kyle, we were fine until you came along asking her questions like that! This is all your fault and you think you can say sorry and we can be the best of friends again. Let me tell you what Kyle, we can't. Why do you have to stick your nose in to everyone's business, why can't you just leave everyone alone and get along with your life. And do you not think that I have tried to call her, I would go after her but if you havn't noticed I have no idea where she is because she just stormed out and it's all you fucking fault" 

Before Dan could proceed any further I thought I would just stop him right there. I know it was my fault but he didn't need to act like that. No wonder Cat thinks he's a dick head.

"You know what Dan, i have stuck by you ever since we started Bastille. I have been your friend for years now, and you would think you should know me well enough to know I didn't do that on purpose. Why would I want to split you and Cathy up, i think she is amazing and one of the best things that has happened to you. I have know idea why you are having such a rant at me, yeah it was my fault but there was no need to have a tantrum about it. Have you not stopped and thought by now that Cat must have been thinking it while she was sober but the alcohol has just pushed it out her mouth."

"Fuck off Kyle, get out"


"you heard me, I want you to walk in to that room get your girlfriend. Actually scrap that I want you to walk in to that room and tell everyone to get out. In five minutes I want you to be all gone" 

I awkwardly shuffled back in to the lounge, did I just ruin my friendship with Dan? What if i've ruined Bastille?! All of this was running through my mind when I got the room. They were all sat in the way i left them . But when i walked into the room all eyes were on me. No pressure. 

"we have to go... now" 


Catherines Point of view

It's 11.37 on a Friday night. Most people my age will be out drinking with their friends. My friends were probably out drinking together. Then there is just me. Sat at home with my boyfriend, oh wait no that's a bottle of Vodka. Yes my life is really that good. 

I was thinking about ringing Josh..again. But I can't keep expecting him to drop what ever he's doing to come sort me out. I then thought about ringing Tom to see what he was doing, but it's a Friday night he will be out with his friends or something. Lauren and Nicole are out together. I can't ring Kyle, Will or Woody because they will be at Dans all bitching about me probably. So yes, i'm alone. Just a glimpse in to my future when i'm a lonely old Cat lady because I have driven everyone away. 


I'm very sorry for the short chapters I keep posting! But hey ho wachu gonna do. 

Ohhh Dan and Cat on rocky terms. But now Dan and Kyle are at each others throats!!!! Will this spell the end of Bastille?!?!?

Please comment with your thoughts on this chapter!!

Thankyou x 

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