Part 39-charity event

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Catherines Point of view

The guys are back for a few days and tonight they have to attend this charity event and guess who Dans asked to come with him? Ella Eyre...only joking he asked me. I must have been brain dead when he asked me because I told him I would come. What the fuck was I thinking, I wasn't as per. 

For one we have to dress smart, so there will be people in suits and really nice posh expensive dresses. Then I will turn up and it will look like i'm wearing a used bin bag. The guys aren't really posh suity people either. I've seen that picture of Dan when he went to the Brits by himself, he was wearing jeans and a suit top half. 

Secondly I'm not really a charitable person. Yes I will give money away to a blind society or something if I'm at the supermarket and I have an overflow of 1/2p's in my purse but that's it. My idea of giving things away to charity is if I have horrible old clothes that I have from 10 years ago or something. 


I'm setting off to Dans soon and I haven't chose what to wear yet. I'm getting ready at his because then everyone will get picked up there. Plus I will probably end up staying at his anyway. I was joking earlier about the whole bin bag thing but I may as well go in a bin bag since I have nothing to wear. 

I finally made a decision, I picked out three things to wear because I don't know which one I will look best in so i'm going to bring them all to Dans. I filled my bag sky high with makeup to cover my fugly face and my straighteners. I was just walking out the door almost ready to go when I realised I didn't have any jewelry or shoes. I brought two different types of shoes with me and a selection of jewelry. It looked like I was going on holiday for 2 months. 

I got to his at about 2 which was fine because we didn't have to go till 7 so I can actually spend some time with him. When I got to his door I only just realised how much stuff I brought with me, it looked like I was travelling with the full Beckham family. 

"fucking hell, you do know this thing is just for one night right?"

"not my problem you have a self conscious girlfriend and hello to you too" he helped me with my bags and we dumped them in his room. Sophie and some guy was sat in the kitchen chatting, I felt a bit out of place. I put that to one side and made my way into the kitchen. "hi soph" 

"hi! you alright?"

"yeah i'm good thanks and you?"

"yeah great, this is Ian and he's going to be moving in with us"

"oh right, Hello" I have him a wave 

"hi" ohh god too much conversation it's killing me. Luckily Dan came in, he snaked his hands round my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. 

"me and Cat are going to watch a movie, we'll be in my room if you need us" Dan shouted whilst draging me to his room. His room hadn't changed a lot since I last saw it, it felt like ages since I has been here but in reality it has only been several weeks. 

"what are we watching aye then Danny boy, or is it a surprise?"

"'s a surprise put the duvet over your head so you can't see" I did as he asked. I closed my eyes for good measure as well. I felt him open up the duvet and join me in bed.  "what are you doing, why are your eyes closed, are you sleeping?"

Too many questions! "oh you know just practising for when I die! So what are we watching?"

"Mulholland drive"

"should have know it would be something to do with David Lynch"

"shhh it's starting" We sat with a laptop between us but if felt uncomfortable so I went to lie between Dans legs with my head resting on his chest ( did that make sense) 

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