Part 54-human emotions

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Catherines Point of view

"Stop it you fucking idiot" my voice sounding as tired as an 90 year old doing a marathon. 

"what?" Dan shot back defensively 

"Staring at me"

"you're turned away from me, how can you tell?"

"I just can, i'm amazing like that" I shifted and moved to face him 

"That you are darling, that you are" he placed a kiss on my nose. "Sorry but i've got to get going, are you alright if I leave?"

"wait, what? You can't leave, i'll be left defenseless and helpless" my own sarcasticness amused me 

"ha ha very funny" He got out of bed and began to get changed, soon after he left. 

The fact that I had work in a few hours killed me. I haven't been back since I passed out so it's like a holy shit moment for me and for everyone. If they try to mollycoddle me I won't be a happy chappy. But when am I ever happy? Then there's Tom. I know we have talked about it but it's still awkward, I mean I kissed him. I actually kissed him and I have  fucking boyfriend who I still haven't told. Just one example of how fucked up I really am. Just why, why did I do it? I've always thought Tom was good looking and i've told him he's fit but that's it. We have already passed the stage where our friendship could have blossomed into a beautiful relationship, so why did I think it was acceptable. But he was the one who kissed me! So does he have feeling for me? Arghh no this is fucked up, this is way way too fucked up. 

I spent at least another hour thinking about Tom and Dan and what is going to happen when I tell Dan. What if he flips out, nahh he won't flip out. Yes he will. My mind battled against me and eventually it got too much for me. I needed to be productive. I began to get ready for work. 


"Morning" I shouted as I opened the door, I was 10 minutes early as per. This gave me a few minutes to compose myself and pretend to be happy when knob head customers come. Ugh if anything moving to London has just made me realised how much I hate people. 

"Morning" He Whipped his head up from looking down on his phone 

"err.. hi" I said nervously. I quickly made my way over to him "can we talk?"

"sure, shoot" He said enthusiastically

"it's just about..."

"the kiss?"


"I thought we already agreed it was a mistake"

"Yeah it is but I just wanted to make it clear, that can never happen again. Especially if one of us is in a relationship. This can go no further, agreed?"

"sure is. We need to just put it behind us now"

"tell me about it" I gave him a hug before I walked off to put my stuff away and talk to Linda. 

"Morning Linda" I shouted as I popped my head through the kitchen door 

"Morning hun, are you sure you're alright to work?"

"Jesus yeah! I've been taking my medication and sleeping i'm alright mum!" I joked 

"Just checking, daughter" she winked before I walked off. 


We were completely rushed off our feet today. We were rushing about like idiots, it didn't help that we almost ran out of milk and I had to run off to a corner shop and buy 6 bottles of milk. (A/n this actually happens to me, sometimes I  have to go to a shop if we have no milk and buy 8 bottles of milk. Milk is very heavy) 

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