Part 63-Look after her

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Dans Point of view

She was pushing the muzzle of the gun right into the side of my head, the ache I felt off of it was nothing compared to how bad I felt that I did this to Cat. But she won't listen, she's going to kill me and there's nothing I can do about it anymore. No matter how many times I say sorry that's not going to help. 

I could have prevented this, I might not be in this position if I didn't sleep with that woman. Or If I never went up to Cat in the bar the night I met her. But standing here about to die I'm glad I did find the confidence to talk to her. 

Something that she said earlier was still running around my mind like a child in a park. 'you'll just be another name on a list and nothing more'. If I didn't know her like I do now I would be thinking that was a bitchy thing to say because it really is. However I do know her, and I know there's an underlying problem to how she acts and what she says; I just wish I had found out what it was sooner. 

My eyes were shut tight as she asked me to. I thought it was the least I could do. I could feel the heat from her skin close to my face, and her lips close to my ear. So close she can murmered something and no one else would be able to here it. Just me and her. 

I tried to focus on happy thoughts and I ended up zoning out thinking about her. The first time I met her, the time we lost Kyle, the many times we hung out and stayed around, the highs, the lows and finally her voice. There was nothing else I could here apart from her beautiful voice singing This is what makes us girls by Lana Del Rey.


The end. 

Thank you all for reading.....

Not hahahah please carry on reading 

The beams of light stung my eyes as I opened them, unsure of what I will find. What I did find wasn't exactly what I was expecting. 

She was stood about 30 centimetres away from myself laughing. 

Correct, laughing. 

I looked down inspecting my chest, nothing. I felt around my head yet everything felt the same. Why was I not bleeding? Why could I not 'see the light' as some people have reported seeing while dying? Am I imagining things, was I really dying but I couldn't see the bullet wound or was I imagining this whole senario?

"I'm not dead" I managed to softly speak. It came out more as a statement than a question. 

In response she did that evil laughing thing again. Is something funny? "But I don't get it?" I sounded rather confused and I took a look at the guys who looked as confused as I was. 

"You really don't get it do you?" No I really didn't, what don't I get?

"B..but you said you wanted to kill me"

"What's the point, you're already dead to me" the words stung me like chlorine in my eyes or salt in my wounds.  I'm dead to her? The words were ringing round my head, again and again. She began to head to the door. I wanted to scream, 'wait is there anything I could possibly do to rectify this situation' but I knew it would only make it worse. "Josh are you coming?" She called and Josh followed like a lost sheep. 

He turned to me, "I'm sorry mate"

"Look after her" I pleaded and he just nodded 

"Oh and Daniel, if you didn't realise because you're so busy thinking where your next shag is at we're finished and if you try to contact me I will cut your dick off and shoot you in your forehead" her witty comment made me and the guys laugh. It would be her wouldn't it? Something devastating could be happening and she would still come out with something witty, gotta love her and I do love her. Before she left she did a solute to the guys "text you guys later" she called and exited. 

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