part 5-luminous yellow coat

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Toms point of view ( the person that Catherine works with if you forgot)

A man appeared at the counter. He was tall well taller than me anyways but he was a bit scrawny, not a lot of muscle (not saying i have a lot of muscle but i have defiantly more than him) quite skinny he looked a bit like a twig; tall but skinny. His hair was quiffed and his eyes were blue, he looked really familiar and he asked for Cat. 

Catherines point of view

I turned around to look at the face of the familiar sounding voice, it was Dan how could i not noticed his voice maybe i havn't slept with him enough times yet i joked in my head. 

"what are you doing here, wait how do you know i work here?" 

"you told me remember, well obviously not. But anyway we came to see you in all your glory plus i want to see if your any good at making coffees"

"oh is that your idea of a subtle hint Mr smith because it was as subtle as a woman stood in a luminous yellow coat."

My conversation with Dan halted when Tom asked me if i knew him, which i thought was a bit obvious considering i wouldn't normally talk to a customer like that and i called him Mr Smith. God Tom could be a bit slow sometimes. I couldn't really say that without sounding a bit bitchy so i just went with, 

"yeah, Tom this is Dan and Dan this is Tom" 

Toms point of view

Cathy introduced me to this Dan guy, he looked so familiar but i had no idea why. Dan, Dan where do i know you from, did she say his last name was Smith? Dan Smith. Then it clicked,

"your Dan from Bastille arn't you and the people with you are the rest of Bastille?" 

"Erhh yeah We are from Bastille, i didn't think anyone would recognize us we arn't that  big!" 

God most celebrities are complete nobbers and i was expecting him to be but he was actually quite humble, saying that they wen't that big even though they were on the radio all the time!! 

Catherines point of view

" so what did you want then?"

" Can we have 4 caramel Lattes please miss?" Dan talked with ridiculously bad American accent which made me wet myself ( not literally I'm not an animal guys) 

"that will be £9.00 exactly"

" 9 pounds for four drinks do we not get discount, family and friends??" 

" oii you cheapskate I already gave you discount, you are paying for high quality drinks that are made by my fair hands plus you wont find a better caramel latte in London than mine" 

Dan gave in and handed me £10 and told me to keep the change "ohh so nice of you Mr Smith, i shall treasure it always". Dan gave me a kind of bitch please look. 

After their drinks were made i delivered it to them, arn't i so nice they should be so thankful i didn't charge a  fee for that as well. Just as i was walking away a paper mache decoration fell of the ceiling and hit Woody in the face. 

"you should be so glad im not going to sue for that" he shouted as he flicked his hair over his shoulder pretending he was a diva. 

I got a chair out and stood on it so i could place  the decoration back on the ceiling when i realised i still couldn't reach and i had no pins to put it back up with. Im small okay get over it. I called Tom and he came over with a box of pins and he lifted me up, so he was holding my legs which buckled. I didn't want to admit i was scared but i was terrified that i would fall and hit someone. As i looked down i noticed Tom staring at my bum, I don't want to sound sluttier than i already do but i actually didn't mind Tom was good looking anyway. 

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