Part 35-kidney beans

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Catherines Point of view

After a few hours we all decided to jack it in and go home. Besides I wanted to see my parents and James. I promised the guys I would say goodbye to them before I leave. But who knows if that's actually going to happen they're all busy with their lives and i'm busy with mine.

I got Sam to drop me off at my mum and dads. I wouldn't say we lived in the poor area but I wouldn't say we lived in the top notch crystal floor houses. I would say we lived fairly well, my mum and dad are some what wealthy but not to the extent I could go out and buy a new pair of shoes everyday. My dad owns a fair few properties here and there, like the building I live in. My mum and dad still work though, my mum works as an accountant and my dad owns part of an ice cream company so he helps run that. 

It's weird seing your house again after you haven't seen it in ages. It's looks slightly alien to me even though I lived here for most of my life. After I thanked Sam for the lift, said bye to Em and they drove off I stood outside the gate admiring the house. Still the same, 4 floors, White on the outside surrounded by a garden full of different types of flowers and a hedge separating our house from the next house however it just seemed strange. I opened the rusting black gate which gave a squeaking sound and walked along the pebble pathway leading me to the oak door with tall plants at both sides of it. I slid the key in and opened the door. 

"hello?" I shouted to see if anyone else  was in. I got no reply so it was just me. I closed the front door behind me and headed straight for the kitchen to make myself some tea. I love our kitchen, I don't want to gloat but I think it's one of the houses best quality. It's set out like the ones you see in kitchen magazines. An island in the middle with a marble top ,around the edges of the kitchen were shiny white cabinets covered again in a marble top. 

When I made my tea I gingerly made my way upstairs trying hard not to spill my tea on the cream carpet. I took the second right into my room. Just the way I remember it, king sized bed, cream carpet floral wall paper. All of my chest of drawers and my wardrobes almost bare. All that was left was the shitty clothes I keep here and a few actual nice pieces of clothing I know shocker.

There are no sheets on my bed so I guess that's my first order of business. I walked over to the cupboard to fetch some bedding.

"owchh fuck" I scream. I look around to find what I had fallen on to see the neck of a guitar sticking out.

I had forgotten all about my guitar.  I didn't think it was a necessity to bring to London with me especially since I could hardly play it. I mean I knew some chords and stuff but not to the extend I was Jimi Hendrix.

After my kerfuffle with the guitar I got to work putting my bed sheets on, I have always found this a difficult task and I seem to get stuck in a mess of bed covers. I successfully put everything on until I got to the dreaded duvet. I fed the duvet through the sheets but my arm ended up going all the way in to the top and some how I managed to get my whole body inside of the cover and ended up getting stuck for a while. When I finally got out I thought it was the best just not to have a cover on my duvet besides i'm only sleeping here for a night. 

I made my way downstairs to get something to eat .There was only one thing that could quench my hunger. ready salted crisps. I seem to  have  had a fascination with them ever since I was little. I raided the cupboards until I saw the packet peaking out over the top in front of some cans of food. I jumped to reach it which evidently wasn't a good idea because it resulted in me being knocked down to the ground by falling cans of kidney beans. 


Tonys point of view

I pulled in to the drive of our house after picking Emma up from work. 

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