Part 44-me and alcohol are soul mates

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Catherines Point of view 

Week one of Dan being away. I feel as if it's like spring watch or something,documenting every day that Dans gone. To make matters much much worse I have to go meet up with my friend who's having a wedding and i'm a bridesmaid. Kill me, please I beg of you. They're going to be so chirpy and happy and i'm the complete dichotomy. We have to go to the wedding shop, find a dress we all like and get them fitted. If someone chooses a shit one and she likes it that's it i'm going. Then we have to meet the groom and his groomsmen and have a meal together. I'm not in the mood. 

I look to my bedside table and reach for my flashing phone. The coldness of the metal reacts with my warm body temperature causing me to shiver. Oh brilliant she's text me, the joys. 

Skylar: Hey girl, that sounded really weird but I just wanted to tell you we've moved the time for the dresses! We're meeting at 10 now. See you later xoxo 

I look at the time on my phone. "fuck" it's 9.45. I unwillingly pull the sheets of my bed running straight to my makeup. Once my makeups on I pull out some leggins and a blue and white striped cotton jumper and fix my hair in a quick up do. I grab my brown pepe jeans sun glasses and ram them on to my head running out the room to pick up some white high top converse shoving them onto each foot. "fuck sake" I shouted and ran back into my room grabbing a light blue denim jacket off the door forcing my phone, keys, gum and earphones in my pocket. I sprinted back to the front door slamming it behind me as I ran down the stairs. 

Out of breath and slightly sweating I made it to the bridal shop. Not to my surprise everyone else was already there. I shut the door behind me and grabbed my burning thighs. 

"This is why I don't do exercise" I said gasping for air. 

"Cathy" Skylar squealed, lovingly wrapping her arms around me.

I first met her a few years after  I moved down to London, she was 23 at the time and I 19. She already lived in my dads building that I live in now. we regularly used to go round and have movie days, I would class her as one of my best friends. She's always been stunningly beautiful with her strawberry blond hair curling around her neck and her benevolent attitude towards people. It wasn't a surprise when she fell madly in love with Matt, he's quite a looker as well so they're perfect for each other. I must admit I slightly envy her  she has a perfect life. Big house, solid income from both of them he's a fireman and she owns shares in some sort of company, they're getting married and I wouldn't be surprised if a baby popped out sooner or later. Don't get me wrong i'm happy for her, really happy but its just sometimes I wish my life was like this.      

"Sky, i've missed you"  we broke off from the hug and she introduced me to the other girls. 

"this is Leah my maid of honour, Michelle and Daisy" We all exchanged hellos and nice to meet you's. "right then ladies, you find a dress you all like and I'll get my wedding dress on" She disappeared into a changing room and the other girls dispersed looking at different dresses. 

God I found some truly awful dresses like this black one made out of latex with spikes coming out from the side, that might be someones dream dress, if they were a prostitute, but it certainly wasn't mine. If people wore that dress what type of place did they want to get married? A brothel?

(a/n this reminded me, my dad was reading the newspaper today and they've made this sewage treatment place in Seattle ,i think it was- it's somewhere in America, a place that you can get married! Who the fuck would want to get married in a sewage treatment place, they must be fucking wrong in the head) 

"Ladies" the woman in the shop ushered us over to outside the dressing rooms. Sky opened up the curtains and walked out holding the train of her wedding dress. She looked utterly ravishing. From her boobs and above the white material was covered in lace making a semi-circle around her neck. The lace made its way around her shoulders and down her back parting to form a large v shape. The lace stopped at the waist where a sort of greyish brown ribbon wrapped its self around her small waist and finished at her back with a bow. From her waist downwards was a beautiful white material that fell into an empire style (if you don't get what I mean by empire google empire wedding dresses or something). The dress was a bit longer than Sky making the excess material in to a small train for the dress. All the way around the rim of the dress was covered in the same type of lace in the top half. 

When all our friends are dead and just a memory ( Bastille Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat