Part 61-Christ on a bike

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Catherines Point of view

My body shot up like a firework going up into the sky. The sun bled through my closed cream curtains right into my eyes almost killing me. I thought someone was drilling into my skull but no avail. It was part of a hangover.

I looked around, I was in my bed but the covers were on the floor. My head was rested against Kyle rhythmically beating chest. I still had no clue what was happening.

I reached for my phone that was on the bedside table and scrolled through a list of notifications. One especially caught my eye.

KyleJSimmons mentioned you in a tweet: @Cat_Cooper you are such an idiot but I love ya!

Below the tweet was a hyperlink that lead to a vine. as I was Intrigued I clicked on it.

"oh Christ on a bike" I muttered, utterly horrified. Last night I got stuck in my own bed sheets, how much did I actually drink. I can't even believe Kyle posted a vine of me on the internet shouting 'help the bed sheets have me in their grasp'. I must have been soo drunk.

I managed to hoist myself up and dodge the pile of bedding on the floor as I tried to walk out of my room. I gingerly made my way through the mini corridor from my room to the living room clutching my forehead in pain still scrolling down twitter with my other hand.

"you must be shitting me" I spoke to myself, my voice was barely even a whisper. An array of green bottles were scattered on my table, 6 were peronie and the other a wine bottle. Two large wine glasses made an appearance as well; there was still a drop of dark red liquid in the bottom.

I tired to grab as many bottles as I could in both hands and deliver them to the kitchen safely without dropping them or clinking them together. Luckily I succeeded.

Reluctantly I swallowed a few paracetamol washed down with some cranberry juice. Hopefully that should ease the pain slightly. I began to wash the wine glasses as I heard the pitter patter of Kyles feet making their way to the kitchen.

"morning" he waved with one hand and the other hand was resting on the back of his neck. He sounded quite rough and groggy. "what even happened last night?"

"check your twitter" he pulled his phone out of his pocket and began to type things in. I joined him on the breakfast bar with two mugs of tea. I pushed one towards him and he took it with a smile. He chuckled as he watched the vine. "jesus we must have been drunk"

" I know, my heads pounding. Hows yours?"

"not too bad"

"good" We both took small sips of our tea enjoying the silence. It was soon interrupted by Kyles phone going off.

"ohh it's Dan" he spoke rather camply and answered his phone.


"alright mate, see you later" He placed his phone down on the table and looked up at me. " I have to go to the studio later, so after this tea I'll be off"

"Oh it,s fine ditch me for him" I pretended to looks sad 

"awhh sorry, but you know work and everything"

"Does it looked like I care" I pointed to my face 

"Ohh feisty one you are" He did this type of yoda voice and we just laughed

After a while of silence I finally came out with what I was thinking, "You're not going to tell Dan about how I feel are you?"

"don't you worry your cotton bobbing socks, I won't tell a soul" 

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