Adam and Niall had fun in the play area Katie, Liam and Louis went to see the cows however Louis was a bit hesitant around them. "Their big." Louis said quietly and Liam chuckled picking Louis up out the wheelchair and placing him on his hip. Louis clung to him a bit. "Look Lou can you see that baby one" Katie said. Louis slightly looked up and watched the calf approach the fence but hid his face again when he saw the bigger cows also coming over. "Do you want to move on to the next animal" Liam asked. "Please." Louis mumbled and Liam nodded placing Louis back in the wheelchair. "Katie we're going to move on." Liam said and Katie nodded following Liam and Louis knowing her little cousin was pretty scared of the cows.

Liam carried Louis for a bit and Katie pushed the empty wheelchair. "Where to now" Liam asked. "Ducks?" Katie suggested and Liam nodded as they headed for the pond that contained ducks and geese "Can we get bread to feed the ducks" Louis said as he watched the ducks and geese. "You've fed your three animals now though Lou." Liam said. "Please Papa." Louis pretty much begged and Liam sighed but the reason why he was still looking round animals with the boy was because he couldn't play in the park so Liam made an exception just this once.

Ok last one" Liam said firmly. "Thank you papa" Louis said wriggling to get down Liam smiled and placed the boy down after he'd grabbed his crutches as a keeper came over. "Would you like to feed them, we have special food for them?" He asked and louis quickly nodded. "Why not bread" Louis asked. "Breads actually really bad for them." The keeper explained, "Oh" Louis said taking the foid from the keeper to feed the ducks.Louis and Katie happily fed the ducks and geese. Liam got some photos. When they were done with the ducks liam got louis back in his wheelchair and checked to see if they had seen every kind of animal available. They had seen the donkeys but not the horses so Liam headed there. "Papa we already seen these." Louis said seeing the horses. "No we haven't Love we've seen the donkeys but these are horses."'Liam said and Louis just nodded.

"Can I stroke them" Louis asked "Yeah you can But make sure your gentle." Liam said picking him up so louis could reach them. Louis gently stroked the horses. "Right Shall we go and find everyone else then. It's getting on a bit now." Liam said and both Katie and Louis nodded so they headed back to the park Liam pushed Louis in the wheelchair.


Harry started getting nauseous as the kids played in the play area. "You Alright h?" Gemma asked noticing her younger brother had gone quiet. "Yeah." Harry said but Gemma wasn't so convinced. "You sure Haz" Gemma said before turning to get husband to tell him to keep an eye on the kids. Gemma took Harry to a corner and asked him for he really felt. Gemma got Harry a bottle of water and told him to sip. Harry did as gemma said hoping it would settle his stomach.Joe was keeping an eye on niall and Adam.

Niall and Adam were happily playing completely unaware of Harry's situation.Harry pushed the water away. "Want to go to the bathroom" Gemma said. Joe kept an eye on both Adam and Niall Harry shook his head. "That will defiantly make me sick I'm hoping it's going to pass." Harry said to Gemma who looked unsure but nodded. Gemma just comforted her brother.

Harry groaned as the nauseous feeling intensified. "Right come on we're going to the bathroom unless you want to throw up in front of other people as admit it Harry it's going to happen." Gemma said helping Harry stand and guide him to the nearest bathroom. Luckily they found a disabled toilets so Gemma could comfort her brother. As they entered Harry gagged straight away. Gemma quickly led Harry to the sink where he violently vomitted. Gemma rubbed Harry's back and knew how much Harry hated it. Harry groaned as he threw up. "That's it h your hopefully feel better when this is done." Gemma said. Harry sighed and waited to see if more sick would come up.


They came back to find just Joe watching the kids. Liam sighed having s feeling where Harry was "Do I even need to ask where harry is." Liam said sitting down next to joe and placing Louis on his lap where the small boy Instantly cuddle into his chest. Liam cuddled Louis. Joe shook his head no.

"You finished yet" gemma asked Harry. "Yeah but I want to go home." Harry said and Gemma nodded helping Harry stand and clean himself up a bit before they slowly walked back to where everyone else was Liam saw his husband and called niall and Adam over and told them it was time to go. "But papa." Niall moaned. "No it's getting on now anyway, now let's go." Liam said putting Louis back in the wheelchair before they headed out the playground and back towards the car park Liam got Louis in the car and put the crutches and wheel chair in the boot. Everyone was saying there byes.

"Right you going to be okay?" Liam asked as everyone got in the car and Harry just shrugged. "I hope so especially with lou in the back as he won't be able to get away." Harry said and Liam nodded before stating the drive home. Harry shut his eyes and fell asleep Liam was thankful Harry had fallen asleep as he knew that meant there was less of a chance him being sick. He just hoped he reached home before Harry woke up. Harry woke up just as they arrived home.

"Hey sleepy, how you feeling now?" Liam asked and Harry just shrugged not knowing how he felt Liam nodded hoping that he wouldn't be sick. Liam went and unlocked the doir before getting Louis our the car and carrying him in to the house and sat the boy on the sofa. Liam then went to see if Harry needed any help out the car.

"I'm fine love I'm just going to go to bed." Harry said before he got up and headed indoors. "Is Dad Okay?" Niall asked and Liam sighed.

"I hope so Ni." Liam said as he headed indoors Niall following close behind. Harry headed upstairs and changed. He went into their en-suite bathroom. Liam went to see what Louis wanted to do and Niall was with him to. "Movie." Louis suggested and Liam nodded guessing the boy was pretty worn out. "You up for a movie Ni?" Liam asked. "Can we have popcorn?" Niall asked and Liam chuckled. "I'll see if I can find some." He said before handing Niall the controller to find a film and headed into the kitchen "Minions" niall asked Louis.

Louis shrugged not really caring as long as he could watch a film so Niall selected it and let louis get comfy cuddled into his size Liam came in with a smell bowl of popcorn and smiled at the boys and left them happily watching minions and went to check on harry.

Harry didn't know how he felt as he sat on the toilet. Liam entered their bedroom and saw harry wasn't there so figured he was in the bathroom and he guessed correctly. "You Okay?" Liam asked leaning against the door frame. "I have no idea Li to be honest." Harry said truthfully "I don't even know Li? I'm not sure if I'm not just sat here cause I can't be bothered to move or if I do need to go." Harry said as Liam came over. "Let's get you to bed and have a sleep and see how you feel after wards. Do you remember when you last went" Liam asked. "Not a clue." Harry said as Liam helped him up and dressed again before they headed for the bed. "Just shout if you need me I need to go and find the boys." Liam said and Harry nodded letting Liam get up. Harry snuggled under the blanket and sleep overtook him.

Louis and niall enjoyed the film as they ate the popcorn. "Ni?" Louis asked. "Yeah lou?" Niall replied. "Why is Daddy always poorly at the moment?" Louis asked and although Niall knew the answer he knew he couldn't tell louis Harry lay down and shut his eye's. 'I don't know" Niall lied as he couldn't tell his brother why. Louis seemed to accept that answer and just nodded snuggling further into niall.

"Room for papa in the middle" Liam said coming down. Niall and louis both looked up and smiled as Louis uncurled himself from Niall's side sitting up and letting Liam in the middle before Louis asked Liam the same question he'd previously asked Niall. "Papa why Daddy always poorly?" Louis asked and Liam then turned to Niall who shrugged. "We don't know Lou but papa is working it out with some other Drs" Liam said.

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