falling for you || jc caylen

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"You've never been ice skating before?" Jc was sitting in the passenger seat as I was driving to the closet ice rink. I shook my head and he looked surprised.

"Do I look like an ice skater?" I glanced over to see a smile playing at his lips.

"You're as pretty as one," he said, leaning over and kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. He was charming, I give him that.

We found a parking spot and went inside. I immediately shivered when I crossed the threshold, tugging on my hat and shoving my hands in my pocket.

I stood back as Jc payed for our skates and he motioned for me to sit. He knelt down and took my shoe off, replacing it with the dingy skate.

"Perfect fit, you must be my princess," he said with a wink. I pretended to kick him with the blade and he threw his hands up in surprise, earning a laugh from me.

I tugged the other skate on while he put his on. He stood up with ease and reached both of his hands out to me. I shook my head, not wanting to make a fool of myself in front of him just yet.

"C'mon, I won't let you fall. Besides, it's easier to practice walking around with the guards on first," he said. I hesitantly grabbed his hands and he pulled me up off the chair.

I wobbled and squeezed his hands, trying not to let my ankles roll. He was right; he didn't let me fall. In fact he steadied me and helped me walk a few steps until I was strutting along on my own.

"Man, I'm pretty good at this," I said.

"Okay, let's not get cocky yet. You still have to get out on ice with those on," he said. This was a good point.

He went out first and went one lap to get used to it. He came back around to the gate and grabbed my hand, gently pulling me out.

As soon as my skate hit the ice I was down.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He knelt down and I nodded, blushing at how embarrassing this was. He pulled me back up and I clung to the wall for a minute.

He finally pulled me away and we went an entire lap with only a few slips from me.

"See, it's not so bad. Just takes a little getting used to," he said. He had one hand clamped around my waist and the other holding my hand. I could feel him loosening his grip with every lap until he was only holding my hand.

Everything was going extremely well with us just talking and skating until I hit a chunk in the ice. I felt my ankle twist and I made contact with the chilly surfce, my body skidding on the ice away from Jc.

I could hear him calling my name but I was too busy trying not to cry. I rubbed my ankle and kept my head bent down as Jc knelt down at my side.

"Oh man, are you okay?" He pushed my hand away and gently pushed around my ankle until I winced. He looked over to my face and wiped the few tears that had escaped before gracefully sweeping me up off the ground and taking me back to the solid, carpeted floor.

He sat me down on the bench where all of our things were and he helped me put my shoes on, returning the skates and carrying me out to the car.

About three hours later I was sitting in the hospital parking lot with an ice pack on my ankle and Jc flipping through my discharge information.

"Sorry I ruined our date," I said. He smiled and leaned over to kiss the top of my head.

"Sorry you got a boo-boo."

I smiled and he drove back to our apartment where we cuddled and watched Christmas movies for the rest of the night.

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