fireflies || jc caylen

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"Having fun, (Y/N)?" Jc walked over to me holding a red plastic cup. I smiled and nodded at him as he took the lawn chair beside me.

Kian and Jc had decided to throw a big party in a random field which at first sounded sketchy but turned out to be really nice. They had a huge bonfire and a bunch of people had pitched in tents so we could do a huge campout.

I had originally declined Franny's offer to come with her because I felt weird showing up uninvited. She had insisted that I come, that Kian and Jc really liked me and they wouldn't mind me being there.

As if he could read my mind Jc said, "I didn't know you were coming."

I blushed and tucked some hair behind my ear, shrugging. "Franny practically forced me to come. I told her it was probably rude to show up uninvited but she said it was fine. I think I might just go," I said standing up.

Jc reached up and grabbed my wrist, shaking his head. "No stay! I'm glad you're here," he said, a grin spreading across his face.

I couldn't help my own smile from forming and I settled back into my chair. Jc and I talked about anything and everything for the next hour and a half as the sun started to disappear and the fire burned brighter. He was currently pointing to different constellations and completely geeking out about space.

"How do you know so much about stars and stuff?" I looked over at him, his face tilted towards the sky and the fire casting shadows on him. He glanced over at me and shrugged.

"It's always been interesting, I guess. And hey if YouTube doesn't work, I can always be an astronaut!" We both chucked at this as an extremely drunk Kian came over and sat on my lap.

"Hey there, you're looking really hot tonight," he said attempting a wink and failing miserably. I giggled and tried to push him off but he was impossible to move. Jc stood up and lifted Kian into the chair that Jc was just sitting in. He reached for my hand and pulled me up and away.

"He can get a little...handsy when he's drunk. I figured I would just save you from it now," Jc said, dropping my hand. I let him walk in front of me a little and smiled. Does this mean he cares about me? Or is he just trying to be a good friend. I continued to think about him until I realized we had walked into a huge open space.

I glanced around in awe of what was around me: thousands of fireflies, blinking in the calm of the night. Away from everyone and the bright light of the fire, I could see them stretching in all directions. I grinned and glanced over at Jc, who had been looking at me.

"Pretty cool, huh? Whenever we had these parties before and I just wanted to be alone I found this place. For some reason they just all gather here and it's so beautiful," he said. I reached out and caught one, cupping it in my hands and smiling down at it.

I heard a click and looked up to see Jc with a camera.

"Sorry, it was just a really cool shot," he said and I could tell he was starting to blush. I opened my hands and let the firefly go before walking over to him.

"No that's fine. What's it look like?" He turned the camera for me to see and I smiled at the picture. For once I actually liked a picture I was in. I took the camera from his hands and pointed out in the field. "Your turn," I said.

We took turns taking pictures of each other with the fireflies. We had shots of them on our noses, catching them, laying in the grass with them flying all around our heads. I couldn't wait for Jc to edit them because I knew they would be amazing.

Eventually we got tired and sat down in the grass, gazing up at the stars again. When I looked over at Jc he was already looking at me with a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. He slowly leaned in towards my face and I leaned too. In a moment our lips were connected.

We stayed this way for a few seconds before I felt him pull away. He cleared his throat and mumbled an apology while standing up and brushing himself off. I did the same and grabbed his hand, shaking my head.

"No, that was perfect. This whole night has been perfect. Thanks," I said with a smile. He gave my hand a squeeze and we walked back to the bonfire. We exchanged numbers and I knew that from this moment on, he was the only boy for me.

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