mom || c. besson (request - @HaeleighRuiz)

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I can sometimes be a pushover, but I kept my jaw set and my arms crossed no matter how much of a puppy face I got from Corbyn. "Just give up, I'm not budging on this."

"Please? We don't have to stay all night or anything, just a few hours with the rest of the boys and then we can do whatever you want!" He uncrossed my arms, grabbing my hands and squeezing them with another pleading smile. "You know you'll have fun."

I had already changed into my pajamas and it was going to take way more than Corbyn's nagging to get me to wear an uncomfortable dress to go to a party with sweaty drunk people.

Before he had a chance to launch into a new round of begging, Will opened the door and strolled in acting as though it was perfectly normal. I glared over at him and Corbyn took advantage of my distraction, pulling me down to sit on his lap. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock! It's rude to just barge in!"

"(Y/N), I think we are at the stage in our friendship when we can just walk in on each other," he said, frowning at Corbyn. "And you're just a kid, you shouldn't have the door shut with your boyfriend here."

Corbyn laughed, more at the blush creeping in my cheeks than anything, and turned his attention back to Will. "Please tell her that she will have fun if she goes to a party with me tonight."

"If the only reason you're going is for the alcohol, I can assure you that between Will and Jc we have a full bar in this house." The boys laughed because they knew it was probably true.

"You will have fun," Will said. "Besides, the boys and I are streaming pretty much all night so it wouldn't be like you're missing anything."

I gave a dramatic sigh and slid off of Corbyn and onto the bed, throwing my arms over my face. Will and Corbyn exchanged equally confused glanced and waited patiently for me to finish having my episode.

"Even if I wanted to go to this stupid party, I couldn't now because I have to watch my children," I said, my voice muffled. Will and Corbyn both laughed and I peeked through at them.

"They're grown ups, (Y/N)," Corbyn said. Will nodded along with him, leaning against my door and smiling, knowing full well that he was most certainly not a grown up. "Seriously, just an hour?"

With reluctance, I changed out of my comfy pajamas that I wanted to spend the rest of the night in and tried to act as happy as Corbyn. The rest of the boys were delighted to see me, but Daniel could see through my pretend excitement.

"I didn't really want to come either but Christian screaming was driving me up a wall. How do you deal with that all the time?"

I fought the urge to check in on one of the boys' streams right that second and shrugged. "Selective hearing? Do you know what they're doing tonight?" 

"Nope, I never pay attention. He screams no matter what so it doesn't make a difference to me," he replied, walking away with the rest of the boys.

Corbyn lightly dragged me along everywhere he went, but he didn't miss the many times I opened the Twitch app and cringed at the chaos ensuing. Finally he took my phone from my hand and frowned. "Why does it matter what they're doing?"

"Because they are going to be too loud and then the neighbors will call the cops and I don't want to deal with it," I groaned, but I tried to snap out of it and smile. "I know, it isn't my problem so that's the last time I'm going to check."

He glanced back at the boys who were waiting for us to catch up but he motioned them to go ahead and grabbed my hand. "Let's just go back. I'm not really having fun anyway, and you definitely aren't. We can watch a movie or something." I gave him the first real smile of the night and he squeezed my hand. "But I get to pick it."

"I suppose I can't complain," I said and he smiled back down at me.

Pulling into the driveway, I could hear the chorus of yelling and I cringed as I hurried in the door, heading straight for Will. I threw the door open and he turned with an obviously drunk smile. "How many times do I have to tell you to knock?"

I ignored that he was making fun of me. "How many times do I have to tell you to chill out? I can hear you in the driveway!"

"Sorry chat, Buzzkill is back so that means no more fun," he pouted.

I frowned and made my rounds to the other boys, warning nothing short of murder if the police showed up from a noise complaint. When I got back to my room, Corbyn was already curled up in my bed with the remote in his hand. "All fixed?"

Will gave another scream and I banged my fist on the wall before collapsing beside him. "I hope."

"Are you not going to change out if that?"

Although I wished I was in my pajamas again like I have been dreaming of since I took them off, I shook my head against his chest and curled tighter into him. "Too tired," I mumbled.

Corbyn picked a movie and I could faintly hear the boys playing but it was nothing like it was before and I tried to enjoy it, although it did seem suspicious. "You weren't kidding about how loud they get."

"Yeah, they're exhausting," I said, sounding exactly like their mother. Just then, the door flew open and a wall of noise hit me. Jc, Oscar, Wyl, and Dyl were all equipped with a confetti gun and Corbyn pulled the comforter over both of our heads to shield from the worst of it.

"Hey, we talked about this!" Will pulled the comforter back and grinned at me. "The door needs to be open when he's here, and no cuddling! You are a child!"

I jumped out of the bed and started shoving whoever was closest to me. "Out! All of you, get out and shut up!"

Corbyn was laughing uncontrollably at the situation and I laid back down on my back and crossed my arms. "So if you're their mom, does that mean I have to be their dad?"

"Shut up," I mumbled, although I was silently laughing with him.

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