that's a wrap || h. webb

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I glanced out the window at the ever-present cascade of white flakes. It had been snowing fat, fluffy flakes for about an hour and I settled down into the couch with a book and a mug of coffee, ready to wait out the storm.

I hadn't been sitting for more than five minutes when I heard my phone vibrate across the room. I sighed and layed my book down, peeling myself off the couch and unlocking the phone to read the new text.

harry: heyo are you up to anything tonite?
(Y/N): um nope nothing special, why?
harry: i need your help...
harry: can you come over?

I rolled my eyes, wondering how important it could actually be. However I decided to be a good best friend and help him out. I shot him a quick text saying I was on my way and looked longingly at my warm spot on the couch before pulling a coat on and bracing myself for the cold.

In about fifteen minutes I was standing on Harrison's front porch, bouncing from foot to foot and knocking as hard as I could. He finally opened the door and pulled me in with a smile.

"Cold?" I punched his shoulder and immediately walked over to a small space heater in the corner. Anderson was curled up on the couch playing Playstation and he laughed as I tested how close I could get without getting burned.

Once my fingers and toes started to regain feeling I sat down on the couch next to Anderson, watching him play Fortnite until I heard Harrison call my name.

I followed his voice and found him in the kitchen, wrapping paper and bags surrounding every open area of the countertops and table. I raised my eyebrows in question and he smiled triumphantly.

"You're going to help me wrap!" He spread his arms wide in excitement and I frowned at him. "What, why are you making your irritated face?"

"Maybe because you forced me to come over for something stupid?" I folded my arms and he mirrored my frown.

"This is not stupid. I need to get these all wrapped and I have no clue how to do it so I need your help," he said, a sheepish smile on his face and puppy eyes.

I continued to frown and stare at him until I couldn't stand him looking at me like that anymore. I looked at the pile of gifts on the floor and grabbed a square box, handing it to him.

"Okay, pick your paper," I said and he handed me a roll of plain red.

"So I'm going to show you how to wrap everything that is a square or rectangle and then you're going to do the rest, okay? I can do everything that is weird shaped," I said and Harrison nodded in agreement.

"So first you measure out how much you need and then add an inch, just in case," I said. He was focused on my hands and making sure he didn't miss anything.

"Next you pull the two long sides up like this and then fold both corners in and then make a triangle," I said and he threw his hands up in the air.

"Okay woah, you lost me," he said and I sighed, showing him again what I had done. "Got it, got it."

I finished off the gift and he stuck a tag in the corner, adding it to the new finished pile on the floor. He grabbed a rectangular box and went to work while I grabbed something that was a little more difficult.

I listened to his frustrated grunts as he tried his best to make the gift looked like mine. I was already on my fourth present when he cheered. I glanced over to see a mess of wrapping paper on the table before him.

"I did it! Not well, but everything's covered! That counts, right?" I giggled and nodded and he added it to the pile.

We wrapped for the next two hours and by the time we were done Anderson had already gone to bed.

"Thanks for helping me, even if I did make you cold," Harrison said, a smile creeping on his face. I nodded and reached for my coat that I had slung over one of the kitchen chairs.

"No problem Harry, what are best friends for?"

"I don't think you should drive home this late," he said. I shrugged but he firmly shook his head, slipping my jacket from my shoulders. "You can sleep in my bed tonight and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Absolutely not! But I will sleep on your floor," I said, smiling. The thought of going outside already made me cold and I was more than willing to sleep anywhere if it meant staying inside.

"I hate for you to sleep on the hard floor all night," he said, scratching the base of his neck. I just shook my head at him.

"Really I don't mind at all."

He finally nodded and led me upstairs to his room, where he got me situated with enough blankets that it felt like I was on top of a matress. I sighed contentedly as I burrowed deeper into the blankets, glad he had dragged me out of my house tonight.

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