new year's kiss || d. garcia (request - @vhslawley)

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thanks for requesting!! <33
Even though I went to bed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, I still woke up freezing which made sense because we were in a cabin in the woods in the dead of winter. I tried to pull Danny closer to me but he frowned and shook his head.

"No, your feet are cold," he mumbled, pushing himself as far away from me as possible. I scooted closer until he was at the very edge of the bed and couldn't go any further, giving him no choice but to let me wrap myself around him. "That was a hint to get away from me."

I buried my face in his neck, my cold nose making him wince. "But I'm freezing and I need body heat, which is where you come in. It's really the only reason I'm dating you."

"How can you look so sweet but act so mean?" I tilted my head up and smiled, letting him kiss me on the forehead before laying my head back on the pillow. I had a perfect view of the snow-covered trees from where I was and I gave a content sigh.

"I don't think I've ever been more relaxed than right now," I said, slowly closing my eyes and relishing in the feelinf. Crawford decided right then to burst into the room and start making as much noise as possible. "And the feeling is gone."

"What was the point of you two coming along if you aren't going to go to the slopes with us?" He had on all of his gear and was frowning with his arms crossed. He looked like a child whose mother was forcing him to wear his snowsuit when he didn't want to.

I rolled my eyed and sat up, pulling the comforter with me and earning a glare from Danny. "We never said we were going to go snowboarding with you. I came to enjoy the pretty views and feel cozy."

"And I came to take pictures, not fall down a hill," Danny added, stretching as he stood up. "Speaking of, I need a model for them, and seeing as everyone else is apparently occupied, that leaves just you."

I pouted at the thought of leaving the comfortable bed to go outside and get bossed around by Danny, but I knew the pictures would be worth it and I loved doing photoshoots with him.

"Wasn't it your New Year's resolution to try new things?"

"The new year doesn't start until tomorrow," I pointed out. Crawford gave a dramatic roll of his eyes and left us, grumbling about us being no fun the whole way down the hallway.

Danny, obviously ready to start the day, started grabbing clothes out of his suitcase and I laid back down to watch him. "Why do we have to get up right now?"

"Uh, didn't we just agree we were going to take pictures today?"

I groaned and put his pillow over my head. "We didn't agree to do it right now, no. I think we should go back to sleep until at least noon."

He chuckled and pulled the pillow away from me. "How about you chill until I'm done showering and then get ready? I'll even take extra long to give you more time."

I wanted to complain but I knew it wouldn't do any good. However now that Crawford ruined my relaxation I felt wide awake and decided to get ready anyway.

Danny smiled in surprise when he came out, his hair still dripping. "So I guess I took the extra long shower for nothing?"

"No, now you're just extra clean." I took the towel he was still holding and started to try and dry his hair more. "You can't let your hair wet or it'll freeze as soon as you step outside."

"Well then what am I supposed to do with it?" I grabbed the hair dryer from my suitcase and waved it happily but he didn't look as thrilled. "My hair will puff up!"

I ignored his protests, plugging it in and smiling. "And it'll look adorable!  Now come sit down." He slumped into the chair and frowned the whole time, but it actually looked good when I had finished. "See, it looks great! Now we're ready for our photoshoot!"

Seeing him take pictures was always so fun because you could tell he absolutely loved what he did. He even let me use his fancy camera to take some of him since he never got "Instagram worthy pictures" as he liked to call them.

After we had gotten back inside and started the defrosting process, Nezza and Crawford came back from snowboarding. She immediately dragged me to her bathroom to get ready for tonight. No, we didn't have anywhere to go but it was still New Year's and we wanted to pretend like it was a normal year.

"So what do you think our chances are of getting a kiss at midnight?" Nezza was smiling at me through the mirror and I laughed. "What? I'm serious! It's never happened!"

I turned to actually look at her with surprise. "Weren't you with your last boyfriend for a few years?"

"Yeah but we were never in the same place for New Year's so it just never happened. Now do you understand why I'm so excited?" I nodded and smiled at her bouncing on her heels excitedly. "And it'll be your first New Year's kiss with Danny! Don't you just love love?"

We hadn't really packed fancy clothes so we tried to pull off a comfy chic kind of style and I had to say, I felt pretty comfy. The boys were smiling at us as we came back out to give them a fashion show.

"Now that is New Year's style for sure," Crawford teased but his smile was complete adoration as he wrapped his arms around Nezza.

I looked to Danny to see he had the same smile and hugged him tightly around the waist. "I have never seen you look cuter," he said, wrapping his arms around me as well and kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, who needs a fancy dress and heels, right?" He laughed and we all gathered in the living room to watch the ball drop.

As the seconds ticked down I felt myself getting nervous, even though I had kissed him countless times before. However when he tilted my head up and we heard the celebrations going on, I finally understood the magic of a New Year's kiss.

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