couch surfing || k. lawley (request)

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thanks for requesting! <3
Kian was late. Again. I tried not to let my annoyance consume me because that would just lead to another fight and another night of him sleeping on the couch to avoid seeing me in the morning.

I sent him another text and leaned my head against the back of the couch, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I had stopped worrying about him at this point because I had gotten so used to him doing this to me. He would leave to film a video with someone or go to an audition and he wouldn't come back until after midnight, regardless of if we made plans or not.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the front door opening and slamming shut behind him. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and didn't try to hide his look of annoyance when he saw me waiting for him. "I'm really not in the mood tonight."

I watched him shrug his jacket off and leave it on the couch instead of hanging it up, something he probably did to get on my nerves. "Not in the mood for what? Apologizing to your girlfriend because you stood her up yet again?"

"Stood you up? What are you talking about?" I followed him into the kitchen and leaned in the doorway so he couldn't walk away. "We didn't have plans to do anything."

I gestured down at my dress angrily. "Yes we did! We made dinner reservations months ago and I've been reminding you for the past week! The problem is that you never listen to me!"

"Yes I do," he muttered, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and walking towards me. "Move, please."

"No, we are having this conversation," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

He threw his hands up in the air and sat down at the table. "This won't be a conversation, it'll be a fight like it always is," he said, his voice raised. "If we went to that dinner we would've fought and then I would have suffered a silent car ride home in which I would feel like I've done something wrong!"

"Because you have! You do everything you possibly can to avoid me, and I'm sick of it!"

He took the opportunity to walk out and back the hallway. "Have you ever taken a second to think that maybe you're the problem?" He was yelling over his shoulder and I watched his back in shock before following him.

"I'm the problem? Please, enlighten me. What have I done to you other than try to be the perfect girlfriend?"

He laughed and spun around to face me. "Nagging me and making me feel as if I can't have a life outside if our relationship is not being the perfect girlfriend. Maybe if you actually had friends you wouldn't be so clingy all the time!"

The room was silent as I stared at Kian in shock. His expression softened for a minute before he pushed past me and left, the slamming of the door breaking me out of my trance. "Clingy," I whispered to myself.

The silence in the house was deafening and I couldn't be there by myself anymore which was how I found myself at Bobby's house.

Kian's car was nowhere in sight and the worry began to eat away at me. Where would he have gone if he wasn't here? I was itching to reach for my phone, but seeing as I was just called clingy I didn't think he would appreciate a call from me.

I closed my eyes and sank down in the seat, tears finally forming even as I willed them away. A knock on my window made me jump and Bobby gave an apologetic smile. I rolled the window down and tried to give him a smile back. "Why are you sitting in your car outside of my house?"

"I thought Kian was here," I said, his name making my eyes well up again. "But I guess he isn't."

Bobby frowned and opened the car door, offering me his hand. "You don't know where he is?" I shook my head and pulled Kian's jacket that I had grabbed on my out tighter around me as Bobby ushered me inside.

"We had a fight," I whispered, my voice shaky. "I didn't want to be home by myself." Bobby sat me on the couch and rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I'm sure he'll let you know where he is soon. Probably went to Jc's or Franny's." I shook my head and looked down at my lap, goving him the gory details of our argument and his harsh words. "That's awful," he whispered, pulling me into a hug. "You can stay here as long as you want."

That was a few days ago and there was still no word from Kian. I tried to go home but it was just so quiet and I couldn't take it. Any time my phone would vibrate I lunged, hoping it was Kian but it never was.

Nursing a cup of coffee, I tried to pretend like everything was normal but it was hard when I could overhear Bobby's conversation with someone over the phone in the next room. My ears perked up at the mention of my name and I tried to act nonchalant when he came in the room.

"Do you want to go to Fran's house? She said she needed me to help her edit something," he said, avoiding my gaze.

"He's there isn't he?"

His head shot up and he looked surprised. "How did you know?" I shrugged and turned away so he didn't see my sad expression. "You don't have to go, but she said he's really messed up. He won't eat, won't shower, hasn't left her couch in days."

My heart broke at the thought and I pushed aside my pride as I followed Bobby out the door, only hesitating when I got out if his car in her driveway. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Believe me, he wants to see you. He probably feels like you don't want to see him," he said, knocking once before going in. Franny rushed to meet us and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank God, he's such a mess and I don't know what to do," she whispered. I peeked over her shoulder to see him curled on the couch in the same clothes as he left in. "Please get him off my couch."

Her tone was playful and I forced a smile before taking a deep breath and making my way over to him. I sat on the edge of the coffee table and took a minute to get a good look at him. He was frowning in his sleep which wasn't at all what he usually looked like.

I reached out and touched the space between his eyebrows, causing him to wake up and blink up at me. "(Y/N)?"

"Hey," I started but stopped when he lunged to pull me into him. "Oh, hey," I said again, wrapping my arms around him and rubbing his back. "Don't cry."

"I'm so sorry. You are an amazing girlfriend and I'm a horrible human being. I didn't mean all of those things I said, I don't know why I said any of it," he said in a small voice, still squeezing me.

"It's okay. I'm sorry about what I said too." He pulled away and I rubbed my thumb over his cheek to catch all of the stray tears. "I was worried about you."

"I should've called. I just thought you probably wouldn't want to talk to me," he said, looking uncomfortable.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm always going to care about you," I said, a smile breaking out on his face. "Now, let's go get you cleaned up and fed and we can go home."

"Yes please," he said, smiling back at me.

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