who knows me better? || d. statham (request - @L_Ghost1713)

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thanks so much for requesting!! <33
"What is up guys, welcome back to the mother-freaking Dyl and Wyl channel," Dylan yelled, giving the camera a goofy smile. "I'm Dyl!"

"And I'm Will," Will added, sounding bored with the video already. "And what are we doing?"

"We're asking the C4 House who do they know better? And of course we have to start with my favorite member of the house, (Y/N)!"

I was sitting between the two boys and Dylan pulled my chair closer to his, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his hand lightly on my hip. "Awe, stop Dyl."

Will made a gagging noise at us and unlocked his phone to look at the list of questions. "You guys make me want to puke. So (Y/N) your first question is how do you spell our last names?"

"Oh good, that one is so easy!" I spelled Will's correctly with a smile and turned to Dylan. "And yours is S-T-A-T-H-A-M."

"That's my girl!" He turned to the camera and placed his hand beside his mouth like he was telling the viewers a secret. "Even if she got it wrong, she would eventually learn. It'll be the name she uses at some point." He was whisper yelling what he was saying and my mouth dropped open at his suggestion and he laughed at my shock.

"Okay, gross. Moving along please," Will said, trying to act disgusted at us, but I could see his tiny smile. "Second question, when are our birthdays?"

"October 10," I said quickly, pointing my thumb at Dylan. I narrowed my eyes at Will and leaned forward on my knees. "You're giving off some December birthday vibes."

"What does that even mean?" Both the boys were laughing as Will shook his head. "It's May 6."

"I should've known that! That wasn't even that long ago!"

"It's okay that you're a terrible friend," he teased. I punched his arm but he continued asking the questions through his laughter.

The dog questions were the ones to throw me off a little. "London is four because you just told me that last week." Will gave a satisfied smile and I closed my eyes to visualize Dylan's dog. "And Stella is two or three," I said, wincing and waiting for the answer.

Dylan patted my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see his excited smile. "Of course she would know that though. She practically lives at your house now and knows everything there is to know about you."

I blushed but knew Will was completely right. Before I knew it, we had worked our way through all nine questions and it was time to reveal my scores. "I think I did pretty good," I bragged, but judging by the look on Will's face it wasn't as good as I thought.

"Obviously you got a perfect score on Dyl's questions," he said, and Dylan held up his hand for a high five. I beamed at him and focused again on Will as Dyl gave us an intense drumroll. "And you got a three for me," he said, pouting lightly.

"Awe Will, you know I love you! That just means we have to spend more time together!" I gave him a quick squeeze as Dylan went to get Crawford.

I moved to a chair off camera so Crawford could sit between the boys and he leaned forward so only I could gear him. "How hard are they?" I shrugged at the question and he pressed his lips into a line. "Wow, thanks for all the details."

"I didn't get any hints," I pointed out.

Dylan returned to his seat and nodded in agreement. "Please stop harassing my girlfriend for answers dude. Just trust that you know us well enough."

They worked their way through the rest of the house which was Oscar, Brian, and Jc before going over everyone's final scores.

"Okay, (Y/N) got a three for me and a nine for Dyl. Crawf got a five for me and a four for Dyl. Oscar got a five for me and a five for Dyl. Brian got a four for me and a three for Dyl. And Jc got an eight for me and a three for Dyl."

"Moral of the story, everyone hates me and loves Dyl except for my (Y/N). She's more important anyways." Dylan said, feigning annoyance. The boys all made gagging noises at his sweet comment.

"At least they can spell your last name!" Will was laughing and Brian crossed his arms.

"Can you blame us? It's really hard! I think you should legally change it to Haddadin," he said, spelling it out and making Will laugh.

The boys did their outro and Dylan grabbed me into a hug as soon as they finished. "Thanks for being in the video today pretty girl."

"Anything for you," I said, squeezing his neck lightly. The boys started gagging again and I groaned in annoyance. "Do you have to do that every time?"

"It's kind of like tradition now so yes," Jc said with a smile. "Y'all are pretty cute though. Not as cute as Chelsea and I, but pretty cute."

Dylan gagged jokingly back at him and Jc laughed. He turned to me and jingled his car keys. "Want to go get food somewhere?" I nodded and he headed for the door. "What do you want?"

"We can get In-N-Out if you want," I suggested, knowing he would get excited. Sure enough, he turned around with the biggest smile on his face.

"I honestly didn't think you would get that one right," he said.

I held my hand against my heart and gave him a shocked face. "Not know your favorite fast food restaurant? Of course I do!"

"And that is why I love you," he said, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

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