new traditions || jc caylen

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"Are you sure you have enough layers on? California has spoiled you, you underestimate how cold it can get here," I said as I shoved a pair of gloves into Jc's pocket.

He tugged a beanie over his curls and rolled his eyes. "Yes mom I will definitely be warm enough."

"Okay, but you better not cry to me later when you're cold," I said, pecking his lips and heading out the door.

My favorite part of Christmas was driving around and seeing all of the lights outside of the houses. It's something my family and I do together but I decided this year to make it a new tradition and do it with Jc.

Our first stop was a neighborhood super close to my house. I drove up to the curb near the first house and parked the car. Jc looked over at me in confusion.

"Why did we stop?"

"Because we're going to look at the lights," I said, pulling the keys from the ignition and getting out of the car. He followed me and grabbed my hand to stop me from walking.

"Can't we just drive through the neighborhood? I mean that's why there's roads and stuff layed down," he said. I laughed and shook my head.

"No because this way we can take our time and look." He sighed and began to trudge along beside me, pulling on the gloves he was so willing to leave at home.

However I watched his eyes light up as we reached the first house. Their lights were set up to dance to music, which was my favorite kind of display. He had childish glee all over his face as he looked down at me.

"That's awesome! How do they do that?"

"The magic of Christmas?" I shrugged and he laughed as we continued to watch the lights dance.

"So this is the tradition? To just look at all the lights?" We had continued on from that house and were strolling along the snow covered street. I nodded at his question. I could see the wheels turning in his head and I couldn't wait to see what he was going to say.

"What if we make our own tradition?" He looked down at me and smiled as I gave him a puzzled look.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Maybe a friendly little competition? How about when we get back in the car we make a list of a whole bunch of different kinds of lights. Like reindeer, blow up Disney decorations, big ornaments in the trees, stuff like that. And then it's like a scavenger hunt to see who can find all of them first?"

I nodded at him enthusiastically. I loved that we were keeping my family's tradition while still making it our own special thing.

When we got back to the car we drew up a fairly lengthy list and drove to the next neighborhood.

This time Jc was the first one out of the car and he was jumping up and down excitedly. I giggled and grabbed his hand as we walked to the first house.

"Reindeer!" He huffed and narrowed his eyes, scanning for something on our list.

"Icicles! Candy canes!"

We continued to play this game for the whole night and I could tell despite the cold he and I were having tons of fun.

When we were finally back home I got comfortable on the couch and pulled a biology textbook into my lap. I was about to crack it open when Jc walked in the room.

He dove onto the couch beside me and layed his head on my lap, reaching for the remote and turning the television on.

I attempted to pull the book from under his head but it was almost as if he pressed down harder. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me.

"Yes my love?" He was grinning at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You're laying on my book," I said. He just nodded amd turned back towards the TV. I rolled my eyes and continued to try and remove it.

"(Y/N), why are you doing homework now? You should be relaxing and watching Christmas movies with your favorite person," he said as he pouted.

"Jc you know I would love to but I have an exam next week," I said, pouting back at him.

In one quick motion he took the book from me and tossed it on the reclining chair in the corner, cuddling deeper into my lap.

"Jc!" I tried to get up but he pinned me down with an evil laugh.

"No work tonight, okay? You are going to enjoy yourself," he said. I rolled my eyes and nodded, kissing his forehead.
————————————————————————(A/N)- Sorry for the late upload everyone!!

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