decorate || d. garcia

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"You have to start locking your front door." Danny jumped and ripped his headphones off, swiveling around with wide eyes. He relaxed when he saw it was just me and patted his lap so I would sit with him. "Anyone could just walk in!"

"Yeah, I would hate for my cute girlfriend to come in whenever she wanted."

"Or you could just give me a key," I pointed out, smiling at the compliment anyway and settling into his lap, wrapping my arms and legs around him so he could still reach his mouse.

He shrugged and wrapped his free arm around me in a tight hug. "I just have a couple minutes of the video left to edit and then we can hang out."

"What do you want to do?" He shrugged and I got an incredible idea, pulling away and smacking his shoulder excitedly. "We should go get Christmas decorations for your room!"

My excitement wasn't reciprocated, and I pouted at the fact that he didn't love Christmas as much as me. "I'm kind of tired and I was hoping we could just stay here," he said, trailing off when he saw my pouting face. I could see him hesitate before he sighed and looked back to the screen. "Or I guess we can go buy Christmas decorations."

I squealed excitedly and pressed a kiss to his cheek, making him smile. Once he finished editing, we bundled up to brave the cold in search of Christmas decorations, one of us considerably more excited than the other.

When we walked in the store, I grabbed his hand and pulled in an attempt to make him move faster, which made him go all the slower to annoy me. "So what's the game plan boss?"

I stopped in front of the trees, running my fingers over the branches as I walked past them. "The most important thing would be one of these." He nodded and pointed to one with the fake snow covering the branches, which I happily agreed with. "Okay, now what theme should we go for?"

"Oh easy, black and white," he said, reaching for one of the boxes of bulbs, but I raised my eyebrows and put my hand on his arm to stop him. "What, you don't like them?"

"Your room is already so dark, can we please use some color?" He wrinkled his nose at the thought, scanning over the other boxes. I pointed to one with red and green but he frowned and shook his head quickly. "What do you have against red and green?"

"It's boring," he replied with a shrug, continuing to glance over the other choices.

My jaw dropped at the comment. "It's called classic, you psycho!" He laughed and picked up a box with blue and white, holding it out for my approval. "I suppose that's fine. I can't believe you just called red and green boring."

"You're so dramatic. Now should we do a star or an angel?" I pointed at a star with white lights and he nodded in agreement. "I was thinking the exact same thing."

"Now you need a stocking so Santa can put all your coal inside," I teased, sticking my tongue out at him on my way to the next aisle.

He caught me around the waist to stop me from walking and pointed to something hanging up higher on the shelf. I furrowed my brows, trying to figure out what it was as he took it down so I could see it better. "Mistletoe," he said, wiggling his eyebrows and putting it into the cart.

I blushed and turned to go back to my stocking search. Finding a red and black plaid one with his initial, I started to walk away but he shook his head. "You need one too, (Y/N)."

My heart melted as I watched him find a matching one, snapping a picture as he held it out to me proudly. "Such a sweetie," I commented and pinched his cheek which always made him smile. "Is that everything now?"

He nodded and we checked out, blasting Christmas music the whole way home. Danny was screaming at the top of his lungs, making me laugh, and I could tell his holiday cheer level was a lot higher than it was an hour ago.

We carried everything inside and he started emptying the bags. "Hot chocolate?"

"Convenient that you want hot chocolate now when we have a Christmas tree to build," he said, and I rolled my eyes. "But yes, I would love some please."

I decided to go a little fancy, adding whipped cream and candy canes, and when I got back he had just plugged the tree in and was admiring his work. "Woah, it looks amazing! Look at all the Christmas cheer in here!"

He took his mug from me and handed me an ornament from the pack, bowing playfully as he did. "You do the honors," he said. I happily took it from him, placing it on the tree as he cheered.

We finished hanging all of the ornaments and I pulled our stockings out next. "Where should these go?" He pointed to the wall beside the tree and we hung them up together, standing back and admiring how festive his room looked now. "Aren't you glad we decided to do this?"

He nodded but held up a finger as he left the room. When he came back, he had a ladder and was placing it under his door frame. I frowned in confusion and he pulled the mistletoe from the bottom of one of the bags. "We still have to hang this!"

"Why did you need a ladder? You're probably tall enough to reach without it," I pointed out, walking to stand with him. He held it out for me and I took it with hesitation.

"The ladder is for you silly." My frown deepened and he motioned for me to climb up. "Don't worry, I'll be here so you don't fall."

"Why am I hanging it?"

"I don't trust you to tell me if it's centered or not." I didn't argue, climbing up and holding it where I thought was the middle. "Over to the left a little bit," Danny directed. "No, too much. Back to the right."

This went on for a minute before I looked down to see him grinning back at me. "Are you just looking at my butt?" His face turned red and I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my gosh, you're such a boy," I groaned, securing the mistletoe and climbing back down.

As soon as both feet were on the ground, he pulled me in closely and kissed me, making me blush. "The mistletoe was a good idea," he whispered, his lips still close to mine.

"We could've done this without mistletoe," I whispered back but he shook his head.

"Not as magical," he replied and I nodded. Decorating was one of the best ideas I could've had.

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