tourist || b. mares

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"Wake up!" Bobby was roughly shaking me and bouncing on the bed until I gave in, cracking my eyes open and glaring up at his giddy face.

"What are you doing? I'm tired," I mumbled as I sat up, Bobby still tugging on my arm.

"We're going on an adventure!" He was beaming at me and produced a disposable camera from the bedside table drawer. I gave him a confused look and he finally stopped jumping around, sitting down beside me. "I thought it would be fun to be tourists for a day!"

"Tourists?" Even through my confusion I couldn't help but smile at Bobby's enthusiasm. "We've been living here for years, Bobs."

He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance and tugged my arm again, this time pulling me up and out of my cocoon of warm blankets. "I'm well aware (Y/N) but it's all about perspective! We've been in LA so much that it's lost it's magic and I thought it would be fun to find it again! And obviously we have to look the part."

I fully took in Bobby's outfit, a button up Hawaiian shirt and some khaki shorts. "And what about me?" I watched him with amusement as he produced a matching shirt and shorts combo for me. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I asked!"

He pushed the clothes into my hands and urged me to get ready so we could get a "head start on our fellow tourists" as he put it. I put the ridiculous outfit on and laughed at my reflection before walking out of the room to show Bobby.

"I love it!" He was beaming at me and I couldn't help but smile back at his excitement. "Ready to go?"

I nodded before remembering a key part of my outfit was missing. I dashed back to the bedroom and grabbed the fanny packs Franny had released, clipping mine around my waist. "We can't forget the most important part," I said and Bobby laughed as he put his around his chest. "Now we're ready to go."

We decided we were going to walk everywhere today so we set out for our first destination which was the Hollywood stars. Bobby stopped someone to take our picture on the camera and the woman gushed over how cute we looked. We both picked a star to get our picture with and kept walking.

All of a sudden Bobby gasped deeply and I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"Look!" He was pointing excitedly over at two guys who had their backs turned to us and looked suspiciously familiar. "Is it actually them?"

"Who?" He had the hint of a smirk on his face as he crept closer and tapped one of the guys on the shoulder. Kian turned and tossed me a wink before turning his attention back to Bobby.

"You guys are Kian and Jc, right? We are such big fans. Can we get a picture with you?" Bobby was making his voice tremble and Jc was cracking up as I rolled my eyes.

"Anything for adoring fans," Jc said, snagging another passerby to take a picture of the four of us. "Where are you guys from?" He was obviously loving playing into our game.

"From around here," Bobby replied. "We just don't get out much."

"Do you want to get one with each of you?" The man was still holding our camera and I nodded eagerly.

I got between Kian and Jc and smiled, my expression turning to shock when they both bent down and kissed my cheeks. Bobby feigned anger much to the fear of our photographer but slid into my spot and requested the same pose for himself.

We laughed at the confusion as the man walked away and spent a few minutes talking to Kian and Jc before heading to our next destination, the Chinese Theater. We snapped a few pictures before making our way through the rest of the major Hollywood attractions.

We had just decided that the Hollywood sign was next when it began to sprinkle. Bobby insisted that it would be a passing shower but it began to rain harder until we were both drenched. We ducked into a CVS and Bobby pouted at the sky.

"We were supposed to do our last picture there," he said and I took the camera out of my fanny pack, handing it to him before looping my arms around his neck and leaning my head against his. "But we look like wet rats."

"Happy wet rats," I smiled and he held the camera out, snapping a selfie before taking it to the kiosk to develop. We flipped through all of our pictures while waiting for the rain to stop, buying some frames for our favorite ones.

When it was finally safe to leave, I grabbed Bobby's arm and squeezed it, leaning into him as we walked. "This was so fun Bob."

"Yeah it was, even if the rain ruined my plan."

I shook my head, still holding the last picture. "I don't think so. This is my favorite picture from the whole day," I said and Bobby looked shocked. "Look how cute we are!"

"Are we?" Despite his former look of disgust, he was smiling. "I mean, I guess we do look pretty happy."

"That's because we are," I said, pecking his cheek as we continued our walk home.
(a/n) - hello beautiful people! I hope you are all staying safe and happy! I just wanted to post a little update and say that I am now opening requests again on this book because I think I'm going to have more time on my hands as of late. so if you're interested in requesting, definitely shoot me a message!!

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