no wine || c. la barrie

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I stared in disbelief at the small plastic object in my hand. Tears were streaming down my face, and I wasn't sure if they were of fear or joy. Maybe a little of both.

"Can I come in?" I heard Franny's muffled voice and she knocked on the bathroom door. I leaned forward from where I was sitting on the closed toilet seat and gently turned the knob.

She slipped through the door and shut it behind her before kneeling down in front of me and placing a hand on my knee.

"So? I can't tell if the crying is a good thing or a bad thing," she said. I smiled a little and handed the pregnancy test over to her. She clapped a hand over her mouth to avoid screaming and grabbed me into a hug.

We were both giggling and crying and she pulled away with the biggest smile I had ever seen.

"You and Corey are going to be parents! This is so exciting!" I nodded and tried not to look upset but Franny saw right through me. "Why do you look sad?"

"I'm just worried. What if Corey's upset about it?" Franny firmly shook her head and hugged me again.

"Absolutely not. He'll be thrilled. I mean, you guys have talked about it, right?"

I nodded and wiped my cheeks, letting the smile reappear on my face.

Kian and Jc were hovering at the door when Franny opened it and their cheeks tinted whenever they were caught.

"We might have been eavesdropping, just a little," Jc said with a smile. He hugged me tightly and Kian joined too. "Corey is going to be thrilled."

"So is this going to be one of his Christmas presents?" Franny wiggled her eyebrows and my face lit up.

"I never thought about that! Good idea Fran!"

That night, Christmas Eve, we had a small party at Jc's house, nothing too big and fancy. Corey had his arm wrapped around my waist and I couldn't wipe the huge smile off my face.

He noticed and pecked my nose, making me giggle. "Why are you so smiley?"

"I'm just really happy," I said with a shrug.

Corey got up and went out to the kitchen, bringing back two glasses of wine. He started to hand one to me but I shook my head. He looked at me, confusion all over his face.

"You love wine," he said.

"Yeah but I'm just really not in the mood tonight," I said with a shrug. He just nodded and sat beside me again, wrapping his arm around my waist again. I sighed with relief, hoping he wasn't suspicious of anything.

The next morning we all got together to exchange gifts. We decided to leave Corey and I for last and I couldn't even focus on anyone else.

Finally it was Corey's turn and Kian held a box out to him.

"From Jc and I both," he said. Corey pulled out a hat that said #1 Dad and he laughed.

"Oh this is definitely me," he said, making all of us laugh a little too hard.

When it was my turn, I handed him my box. He tore the wrapping paper off and shook it a little, trying to guess the contents. He finally gave up and opened the lid, revealing an ornament of baby shoes and the pregnancy test.

I watched his facial expressions as he gently picked the test up out of the box. He looked up at me, completely shocked and I just smiled a little.

"Surprise," I said and braced myself for his reaction.

"Is this for real?" I just nodded and he laughed, picking me up and spinning me around.

I laughed as he gently lowered me to the ground. He clutched onto me and I squeezed him back, pulling away to see his face. He had started crying which made me start crying.

"Awe Cor, don't cry," I said, wiping his cheeks with my thumbs.

"(Y/N) this is amazing. I literally couldn't think of a better Christmas present," he said, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much more," I replied.

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