ignored || k. lawley (request - @adrianhadancer)

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thanks for requesting! <3
Waking up wrapped in Kian's arms was one of my favorite things in the world. I felt like there was nothing that could possibly hurt me as long as he was there, so waking up alone this morning was not the best way to start my day.

I rubbed my eyes as I headed downstairs, smiling at Kian standing at the stove and making breakfast with a cup of coffee cradled in his free hand. I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. He would usually turn his head and give me a kiss on the forehead or say good morning but he continued to stare straight down as if I wasn't there.

"Good morning," I said, obviously expecting him to reply but he seemed to not hear me. I noticed the AirPods and figured that's why he wasn't talking to me, so I plucked one from his ear and spoke again. "Good morning handsome."

Kian didn't even react, taking a sip from his mug and removing the eggs from the stove. He pulled a plate from the cabinet and I watched him carefully as he took his breakfast to the table and sat down. "None for me?" It was like I hadn't said a word and I rolled my eyes, walking back upstairs and plopping down on the bed.

I thought back over yesterday and tried to figure out if I had done something to make him mad but came up with nothing. I decided to call Jc because Kian surely would've told Jc if he was mad at me. He answered after a few rings and I didn't even give him a chance to say hello.

"Did Kian talk to you about me?"

"Hello to you too (Y/N). What are you talking about?" He sounded like he had just woken up and any other day I would feel bad but today was not a normal day.

"Has Kian mentioned anything about me the past couple of days? Like if I did something to make him mad?"

Jc was silent for a minute before he replied. "Not that I can think of. Why, did something happen?"

I sighed and laid down on my back, covering my face with my free hand. "He won't talk to me. It's like nothing I can possibly do will make him react and it's driving me crazy."

"Maybe he's just in a mood and doesn't want to be bothered," Jc suggested and I heaved another sigh, thanking him for his help and hanging up.

Just as I did, Kian walked into the room, his phone pressed to his ear. "Yeah Bob, I can be there in a couple of minutes. I just need to finish getting ready," he said, turning on speakerphone and tossing the phone beside me on the bed.

"Hi Bobby!"

"Hey (Y/N)! Are you coming over too?"

I glanced at Kian who was contemplating his closet. "I don't know, I'm actually not feeling well," I said, watching Kian carefully for his reaction. Normally if he thought I was sick he would freak out but he elicited no reaction. "Actually Bob, I think I'm just hungry. I'm coming."

I threw myself together and didn't bother waiting for Kian, leaving the house and getting into the passenger seat of the car. He came out a few minutes later and slid into his seat, starting the car and pulling out into the street. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and let out a small whimper, trying to make my charade believable but Kian didn't react at all.

When we got to Bobby's I slammed the car door and stormed into the house. Bobby gave me a questioning look and I finally broke down. He worriedly wrapped his arms around me and didn't seem to care that I was getting snot all over his shirt. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" I just shook my head and burrowed deeper in his arms. "What did you do?"

Bobby's question was directed towards Kian who was standing in the doorway looking conflicted. "Oh sweetheart, come here," he said, pulling me away from Bobby and into one of his signature bear hugs. "I'm so sorry, please don't cry!"

"Just tell me why you're mad at me instead of ignoring me," I whimpered and Kian squeezed me tighter against him. "What did I do to you?"

"Nothing! You didn't do anything, it was for a dumb video," Kian explained and I furrowed my eyebrows, tears still running down my face. "Jc and I both were going to do a video where we tried to ignore you and Chelsea for twenty four hours and we made bets on how long we thought we would last."

Bobby punched Kian on the shoulder, making me giggle a bit. "Dude! Not cool!"

"I know! I know, it was a dumb idea," Kian said and turned his attention back to me. "I'm really sorry (Y/N). Please stop crying," he whispered and gave me another hug.

I sniffled and nodded, smiling up at him. "So you aren't mad at me?"

"Of course not!" Kian thought for a second and a concerned look crossed his face. "Wait, are you okay? You said you weren't feeling well which was incredibly hard for me to ignore, by the way."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just trying to get you to talk to me, I'm not sick," I explained with a smile.

"Evil girl," Kian grinned and I slapped his shoulder.

"You're the evil one!" He laughed and nodded, apologizing again. "Let's not play pranks on me anymore, okay?"

"You give good reactions though," Kian said with a smirk. "But yes I agree, never again."

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