compatible? || b. mares

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"Ready to film?" I sat down with my whiteboard and marker and glanced over at Bobby, who was sitting beside me. He smiled and nodded and I turned to Kian, gesturing for him to turn the camera on.

Today I was filming the Compatibility Test video with Bobby since he was the easiest out of the group to film with. I needed a video to post the same day and I knew he would stay on task, unlike Kian and Jc. I had Kian behind the camera asking questions that he came up with so it would be completely random.

"Hey guys! Today I am here with my best friend Bobby and we are going to be doing the Compatibility Test that everyone has been trying lately," I said. Bobby leaned over and jokingly puckered his lips, like he does to everyone. I smiled and shoved him away.

"Yep and when we get them all right we're gonna go out on a date," he said. I scoffed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll get them all right. Now we have about 15 questions so let's just get started!"

Kian cleared his throat and read the first question. "Alright, so Bobby is buying you flowers. What kind of flowers will he be getting?"

We both thought a minute and wrote our answers down. Kian counted down from three and we flipped our boards towards the camera.
Daisies, we had both written.

"No way! How did you know that?" I looked at Bobby, a baffled expression on my face. He smirked and shrugged.

"I listen when you talk. You always have them in your room and every time we see them you always comment about them," he said. I blushed, glad that he listened to me when I talked. "Alright, next."

"Okay, where would you want to vacation? Beach, city, or country?"

We wrote our answers and flipped the boards over, revealing we had both put beach.

"Too easy, we both love the beach," I said. Bobby nodded and looked to Kian for the next question.

"Okay, this one will probably get you. You guys are getting a dog together, what breed? No choices this time."

I knew my answer right away and I waited for Bobby to figure his out. We flipped and I looked over. Golden retriever, it said. My jaw dropped and Bobby grinned.

"Is this some kind of prank or something? How are we getting all of these right?"

He shrugged and smiled. "Maybe we're just compatible?"

This went on for the next eleven questions with us getting all of them right. I was in complete shock and I knew there was no way we would be getting this last one right.

"Okay, last one guys. When do you envision yourself being married?" I thought about the question for a minute and decided that seven years would be a good answer. 'There's no way he would feel the same way,' I thought to myself. Kian counted again and we flipped our boards. We sat in disbelief and Kian started to cackle.

We had both written seven. Bobby eventually broke into a smile and lifted me into the air, spinning me around and causing me to giggle. "Looks like we're going on a date, (Y/N)!" He put me down with a wide smile and I punched his shoulder.

"You got lucky, but yes it does look like we're going on a date," I said with a smile.

(A/N)- Oh my gosh 2k reads?! That's absolutely insane! When I started this book I thought the most I would get would be 50, never dreaming this many! I love every single person that reads any of my chapters, you guys are amazing :) Thanks so much!

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