painball || c. collins (request - @L_Ghost1713)

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thanks so much for requesting!! <33
"Can you please just stay with me?" Crawford had been following me around the house like a puppy all day, whining that I had to film with David and Jason. "If you're here I know you won't get hurt."

I rolled my eyes at his comment and continued to run the straightener through my hair. "Crawf, I told you that I'll only be gone for an hour max. It's just a short bit he needs for the vlog this week," I explained for the tenth time.

"Yes but you say that every time and then you're gone for six hours and I have to worry if you're dead or not."

"I would hope someone would call you if I died," I teased, but Crawford grabbed my hips and spun me around to face him.

"I'm serious," he pouted, his eyebrows drawn together with worry. "You tell me you'll be careful and then you come home with a black eye."

"I have never come home with a black eye," I said, giggling at his exaggeration. He wasn't laughing along so I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him, knowing that would make him smile. "I promise today I'll be careful, okay?"

He groaned but nodded, letting me finish getting ready and pecking my cheek as I left. "You better come home in one piece."


"All right, so I'm thinking paintball dodgeball? But no safety vests or helmets." David was wiggling his eyebrows excitedly and I looked horrified between him and Jason.

"No! That's dangerous, even for you! We could get seriously hurt," I said, crossing my arms as David frowned. Believe it or not, I was the voice of reason and he hated when I shot down his "good ideas."

"It won't be close range. Plus you'll have goggles so we won't be causing any serious damage," Jason pointed out. "Toddy and Scott did it earlier and they said it wasn't bad."

After much convincing, I finally agreed that I would do it and David started setting everything up for us. I had never done paintball before so I didn't know how bad they hurt when they hit you, let alone when they hit your bare skin.

The first minute was going fine. I had hit Jason's foot and had so far come out unscathed, save for a spot on my side. However, I was completely caught off guard when one came towards me, hitting right on my collarbone.

I squealed in pain, my hand flying up to my neck. Jason immediately dropped his gun and ran towards me. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to aim that high! Are you okay?"

I was bent over and trying not to cry, so I could only nod in response to his question. He bent down and pulled my hand away to get a closer look. "It's fine," I whimpered but Jason shook his head.

"We should take her to urgent care David. It could be broken," he said, continuing to touch around the spot and gauge my reaction.

"It's not broken! It barely even hurts anymore," I said quickly, knowing that Crawford would kill me if he got a call that I was in the hospital. "Seriously, I'm fine. Let's just finish the bit."

David assured me that we had enough footage and I should just go home, so I drove back to the C4 House, glad to see Crawford's car out of the driveway. I should be able to sneak in, clean myself up, and he would never know.

As soon as the door opened, I spotted Oscar on the couch, but I slipped behind him and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My collarbone looked pretty bad in the bathroom light and winced as I wiped some of the blood away. Who knew paintballs caused this much damage?

I whimpered as I attempted to clean it up, thinking that Oscar's Xbox would block out any noise I would be making. Him knocking at the door made me realize that maybe I was being a little louder than I had thought.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" I made a sound in acknowledgment and I could hear the confusion in his reply. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Fine," I said, through clenched teeth as I continued to scrub at the wound.

"No, you aren't. Open the door," Oscar said, jiggling the knob. I ignored him but knew he wasn't going to just leave me alone. "I'll pick the lock so either way I'm coming in."

I sighed and turned the knob, the lock clicking and Oscar opened the door. He gasped and I rolled my eyes at him in the mirror. "Chill, it isn't that bad," I mumbled.

"Oh my God, yes it is! What happened?" His eyes were wide as he stared at the growing bruise through the mirror.

"Can you just help me, please? I promised Crawf I'd be careful and I don't want him to see," I said, but I heard footsteps behind Oscar and another gasp.

"Too late," Crawford groaned, pushing past Oscar to get into the room. "What happened?" His hands flew to my neck and I winced at the sudden touch.

"Paintball dodgeball," I mumbled, hearing how stupid it sounded when I said it out loud. "More like painball," I joked, but he seemed to not be amused. His jaw was set as he lifted me up onto the bathroom counter and I winced as he grazed another spot on my side.

He lifted my shirt and sighed at the perfect circular red mark. "You promised me you'd be careful." He set to work, cleaning my collarbone and continuing to reprimand me, finally taking a breath to really look at me. "Are you okay? Do you think it's broken?"

He ran his thumb over the bandage on my neck, but I shook my head. "No, it was pretty long range. It just stings," I explained. He nodded and dropped his hands to snake around my waist and pull me into a hug. "I'm really sorry. I tried to be careful."

He nodded against my shoulder, rubbing a hand over the back of my head. "I just really hate seeing you beat up like this."

"I'm a tough girl," I said and he pulled away to smile at me.

"I know you are. Now, let's go relax, you look kind of tired." I grabbed at his neck and he picked me up, walking me over to the couch.

"Thanks for always taking care of me," I said.

Crawford smiled and left a kiss on my forehead. "Don't thank me, it's my job."

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