cookie challenge || c. la barrie

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"Why are you in here and not spending time with me?" Corey moped into the kitchen and dramatically threw himself on one of the barstools at the counter.

I continued pulling everything I needed from the cabinets to make cookies for a Christmas party. "I'm making cookies and I need to get them done today. Besides you can sit out here and watch me," I said.

Corey's ears perked up when he heard the word 'cookie' and he jumped off of the stool to come around to my side of the counter.

"I wanna help!" I frowned and stopped what I was doing to give him a disgusted face. He looked shocked and I began to remind him what happened last time he "helped."

"Everything was a mess and nothing got accomplished," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He shoulders sunk and he shrugged, beginning to trudge out of the kitchen.

He knew I was a push-over and would ultimately ask him to come back in and help, which I did after two seconds of his puppy eyes. He smirked at me and waited for me to give him his first task.

"Okay, I need you to pour in dry ingredients, but don't pour in the brown sugar yet," I said. He gave me a puzzled look and I sighed, pointing towards all the ingredients to one side of the counter.

"See, all you had to do was point. I don't know what all those technical terms mean," he said. He started grabbing the pre-measured ingredients and dumping them into the bowel.

I pre-heated the oven and came back to find Corey proudly standing beside his bowl. I frowned as I saw the brown powder mixed in and Corey followed my gaze.

"Why are we frowning?" He thought about it for a minute before he realized what he had done wrong. "Oh man I'm sorry (Y/N), I completely forgot."

"That's okay," I said with a sigh. I started to measure everything out again, but Corey stopped me.

"I have an idea," he said with a devious smile. I brushed my hands off and leaned against the counter to listen to whatever crazy idea he had come up with.

"What if we take my mistake and make it a little challenge?" I nodded for him to go on. "Why don't we try and come up with the craziest cookie recipie and then make Kian and Jc try them to see which one is the best?"

"I actually don't hate that idea," I said with a laugh. Corey grinned and began to search through the cabinets for his new ingredients.

I went to the fridge and pulled out some hot sauce and grabbed a few packets of taco seasoning from one of the cabinets. Corey noticed and made a disgusted face.

"Just because you don't like spicy doesn't mean other people don't." I winked at him and he shrugged.

After about an hour our cookies were all baked and ready to be tested. Corey called the guys in to the kitchen and told them what we were doing.

"Okay, so what did you guys come up with?" Kian picked my cookie up first so I gave him the description.

"So I basically just threw some hot sauce and taco seasoning in with a regular recipie," I said. Kian took a bite and I could see the spice kick in immediately. Kian and Jc were both coughing and gulping down milk by the time they were done, making me giggle.

"Corey, please tell me yours is better," Jc pleaded.

"Oh it definitely is. So I added pumpkin pie filling and some cinnamon to her same recipie and it is probably the best cookie I've ever had," he said. He handed one to me and Kian and Jc both grabbed their own.

I took a bite and it was as if I was in cookie heaven.

"Corey, please tell me you kept track of exactly how much of everything you were using," I said. He waved his phone at me and I could see a list of measurements in a note.

"And this one is definitely better," Kian said and I gave him an offended look. "This one doesn't make me want to die."

Kian and Jc left us in the kitchen to clean up. I was washing dishes when Corey came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry I ruined your day today. I promise I'll let you alone tomorrow to make cookies. You were right, I'm not much of a help," he said.

I turned around and shook my head, giving him a kiss. "You didn't ruin anything! Besides you gave me a fun, new recipie and you obviously have to help me!"

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