late-night drive|| c. la barrie (request - @SarahFraser25)

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Barrie whined in annoyance and watched me turn over to my other side for at least the tenth time in the past half hour. Of course, I was the only one still awake, and even Barrie was ready to go to bed.

"I'm sorry I'm being annoying. I warned you that it takes me a while to fall asleep when you followed me in here," I said, scratching behind his ears as I closed my eyes. "Maybe we can just pull an all-nighter!" I looked over to see that Barrie had already laid back down and shut his eyes. "Guess that's a no then."

I tossed and turned for another half an hour before deciding that it was pointless to try and sleep when I knew it wasn't going to happen any time soon. I thought maybe watching a movie would make me more tired, but I couldn't focus on anything that was happening and finally gave up on that too.

"Sorry Barrie," I whispered as I, again, woke the poor baby up. "I think maybe I just need a snack. Want to come along?" He yawned and put his head down, probably excited for me to leave and allow him uninterrupted sleep.

I ventured downstairs, avoiding the creaky parts of the floor and tried to stay light on my feet. The boys were grumpy when they were woken up, and I feel like they would be even more grumpy if they were woken up this early in the morning.

I opened the fridge and wondered what was something easy before deciding that cereal sounded good. It probably was the loudest food I could have possibly picked, but once the idea was in my head nothing else sounded as appealing.

I tried to pour it in as quietly as possible but it seemed like the sound was ten times as loud as normal. I winced as I finished and stopped for a second to see if I had woken anyone up. I could hear a door opening slowly and I held my breath, letting it out at the sight of London. "Oh good, it's just you. You won't yell at me for waking you up, right?"

She watched me for a minute before deciding I wasn't doing anything exciting and left to go back to Will's room. I leaned against the counter to eat and must've been too lost in my thoughts to hear the feet on the stairs.

I jumped when something touched my shoulder and
just barely contained my squeal. "Corey! You can't do that to me, I almost had a heart attack," I whisper yelled but he only smiled and yawned.

"Care to tell me why you are eating cereal at four in the morning?" He must've liked the idea because he walked to the cabinet and pulled his own bowl out, not trying to be quiet at all. "If you are trying to be quiet, it isn't working. Just thought you should know."

"Did I wake you up?" He yawned again in response and I glanced to the stairs. "Only you?"

"No, I was just the only one who cared enough to get up and make sure we weren't being robbed. So is this a normal thing for you and we've just never heard you before?"

I sat across from him at the table and shrugged. "Eating cereal in the middle of the night isn't but I'm usually awake." When he frowned at me, I shook my head and pointed towards Will's room. "Don't look at me like that, half the time it's him streaming and screaming at his computer that keeps me awake."

"So when do you sleep?"

"Never really. That's why I nap a lot and you all make fun of me," I said, and I could tell he was looking at me with concern. "I'm fine though, seriously. I'm more tired now so I'll probably fall asleep soon."

He shook his head and took both of our bowls to the kitchen before coming back with his car keys. "Come on, we're going for a drive."

"Drive to where?" He was already out the door and I followed him, stopping when I realized we were both in our pajamas and neither one of us had shoes on. "We aren't dressed, we can't go anywhere!"

"First of all, my pajamas are fashionable and I could go anywhere I wanted to in them. Second of all, it's just a drive, we won't be gone that long. It's just to make you tired." I finally agreed, more to make him happy than anything, and slid into the passenger seat. He gestured for me to put on some music and I, of course, chose the new Why Don't We album. "If anything this music is going to make you more wired," he said with a laugh.

I ignored him and did a theatrical performance of the songs, which he thoroughly enjoyed, and before I even realized how far we had gone, he parked at the beach and the sun was just starting to come up. I turned the radio down so I could fully focus on how pretty it was, and we sat in silence for a second. "Woah," I finally whispered and he laughed a little, nodding in agreement.

Talking to Corey was so easy and relaxing and it only took a minute before I was yawning and finding it hard to keep my eyes open. He gave me a satisfied smile and pulled back out of the parking lot. "Didn't I tell you the drive would work?"

"Or it's just that this is the normal time that I get tired," I said through another yawn, but he was frowning at me and I decided to give him the credit for it. "But I think it probably was the drive."

I managed to stay awake until we got to the house but just the thought of walking up the stairs made me more tired, so I flopped down on the couch and curled into a ball. Corey had the same idea, grabbing a blanket from a chair and laying down the opposite way. "Are you cold?"

I shook my head and smiled at him. "Thanks for the drive, I think it actually worked," I said, my words slurring together as I tried to stay awake.

"No problem, anything for you."

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