killjoy || c. la barrie

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"I moved to California to get away from the cold," I whined to no one in particular, sitting on the couch in the C4 House with my arms crossed. I knew I looked like a child, but I was not looking forward to being in the cold and snow when I had just gotten used to being in the sunny climate.

And to make matters worse, Nezza and Franny dropped out of the trip at the last minute so I would be the only girl there. That meant I would turn into the babysitter, and even though I didn't want to go, I wanted to try and have fun, if not for myself then for Corey.

He plopped down on the couch next to me and snaked his arms around my waist. "Let's turn that frown upside down, okay? I promise you're going to have so much fun if you just let yourself." He gave me a pointed look and I just sighed in response.

"Okay lovebirds, ready to go?" Crawford was smiling at us while Will and Dylan were making kissy faces behind him. I smiled despite my sour mood and nodded, calling shotgun to whatever car Corey was driving.

"That means I'm in charge of the music," I said in a singsong voice and the boys in the back, which happened to be Christian and Oscar, groaned. "What? I have superior music taste!"

"One Direction is not superior music taste," Oscar said, leaning forward and plugging his phone into the AUX before I could reach for it. I crossed my arms in annoyance but let him go. Corey put his hand on my knee and I closed my eyes, deciding that if I fell asleep I might be in a better mood when I woke up.

When I opened my eyes next, I was in a hotel bed and Corey was propped up on some pillows beside me. He put his phone down and smiled, brushing my hair behind my ear. "Hey sleepyhead, did you have a nice nap?"

I shrugged and yawned, pushing myself into his chest. "Can we just stay in bed the rest of the night?"

Corey frowned and pulled away from me so he could put his hand on my forehead. "Do you not feel good? You don't feel warm."

"No, no I feel fine," I said through another yawn. "Just tired."

"I think we were m going to grab dinner and hang out here for tonight, but I can just bring you some food back if you don't want to come?" I nodded happily and snuggled back into him until he had to leave.

When he got back from getting food I was feeling much more awake, and the boys decided to camp out in mine and Corey's room to eat and talk.

"So (Y/N), are you coming out to the slopes with us tomorrow?"

I wrinkled my nose at Oscar's question and shrugged. "Maybe. If I can stay on the kiddie hills and Corey doesn't drag me anywhere else," I said, raising my eyebrows at him.

He gave me an innocent smile and popped a fry in his mouth. "Trust me, you'll love it and be begging me to take you to the big girl hills."

However the next day I was not begging him to take me anywhere but back to the room. I had fallen on my butt so many times I felt like I couldn't walk and my toes and fingers were basically falling off.

"Just stay a little longer. Please?"

I brushed snow from my latest fall off my pants and glared at him. "Why? You aren't getting to do what you want because of me and if I leave you can go with the other guys."

"I would rather spend time with you," he said, poking his lip out and giving me his puppy eyes. "I won't make you come tomorrow if you just stick it out the rest of the day."

"Okay, fine. I'm trying really hard but I just don't have the balance for this," I mumbled.

Corey grabbed my hands and pulled me back up the small incline I was currently working on with a smirk on his face. "I know, you don't try to be a killjoy. It just comes naturally." I smacked him which made him laugh and he pecked my cheek, his cold nose making me shudder.

I really was trying my best to learn how to snowboard so we could at least make it to the intermediate hills. Unfortunately there weren't enough hours in the day, and I went back to the hotel room feeling cold and defeated.

The next day I woke up with a note from Corey that the boys had left extra early for the slopes and probably wouldn't be back until dinner. I was still shivering from yesterday so I took a hot shower and pull on the warmest sweater that I owned.

I had brought along a book and found a cozy spot in the lobby to curl up with it as I watched the snow fall outside. I had just gotten to a good part when a familiar laugh burst through the door.

Corey saw me and ran over, scooping me in a hug. "Hey, I missed you. What are you doing?" I flashed my book to him and he gestured outside. "Better than snowboarding?"

"Duh," I replied with a smile. I turned back to the window to see the boys engaged in an intense snowball match on the front lawn and I laughed. "You guys are such children."

"Want to be a child with us?" He was giving me a hopeful smile and I had to admit, it did look pretty fun.

I gestured down to my sweater and jeans, obviously an outfit not chosen to keep me warm in a snowball fight. "I don't have my coat." Corey instantly pulled his off and started to put it over my shoulders, but I shook my head. "What will you wear?"

"Boys don't get cold," he said with a smile, grabbing my hand and pulling my outside. "Guys, look who is going to join us!"

Kian locked eyes with me and launched a snowball directly towards me, which I ducked away from just in time. I turned to him with a shocked expression and narrowed my eyes. "Lawley, you are so going down!"

We threw snowballs and tackled each other until we were all completely soaked and shivering. As soon as Corey and I got back to the room, he dove under the comforter and pulled it above his head.

"Cor, you're going to get sick. You should've kept your coat on," I said, shedding my wet clothes and changing into something dry before joining him.

He tugged me close against him and smiled through his shivers, laying his head on my lap. "It was worth it to see you having fun."

I smiled and ran my hand through his curls. "So I'm not a killjoy now?"

"I guess you've redeemed yourself," he mumbled sleepily.

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