tired eyes || jc caylen

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I closed my eyes as I leaned back on the lawn chair and listened to the noises of the city. I just moved in with my boyfriend Jc and I loved the location of his apartment. Los Angeles had to be heaven on earth, with it's beautiful beaches, awesome walls for photographs, and amazing nightlife.

Well, I don't really know much about the nightlife aspect of LA seeing as Jc was always working. Filming all day, editing all night, barely stopping to eat or sleep. I knew how important work was to him, but I was beginning to think maybe he was working too much.

I went back into the apartment through the sliding glass door and headed for the guest bedroom that Jc converted into his personal office. He was sitting at the desk with his Macbook on the top, typing and clicking away just like I knew he would be doing.

I gently knocked on the door, trying to get his attention without being too much of a bother. Of course he couldn't hear me at all through his noise cancelling headphones so I gingerly stepped into the room. The floor creaked underneath me and Jc's head shot up.

I blushed as he took the headphones off and shook his hair out, smiling at me. "Sorry to bother you, but don't you think you should take a break? You've been in here for hours and you should really get something to eat. I thought maybe we could go out somewhere?"

He simply shrugged and turned back toward his laptop. "I really have to get the new KnJ video edited for Friday, and then there's my main channel video and a ton of emails and," he trailed off as he saw the disappointed face I was trying so desperately to hide. He frowned as he glanced from me to his laptop then back to me. "Actually, going out for dinner sounds perfect. Where to?"

I smiled and pulled up a chair near him. "I don't know, maybe a diner? I've been craving a really good burger," I said and Jc smiled.

"Sounds good! You go get ready and I'll finish this clip, okay?" I nodded and went into our bedroom. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and one of Jc's band t-shirts before throwing my hair up in a pony tail. I skipped back into Jc's office with a smile, but my face fell when I saw him on the phone.

I tiptoed over to him and tapped him on the shoulder giving him a questioning look. He pulled a pen out of a cup and wrote 'Manager' on a post-it. I nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door on the way out.

I sat on the couch for an hour and a half before I went back in to check on Jc. There he was, tapping away on his keyboard with his headphones on, lost in himself again.

This time when I left the room I slammed the door. I stormed into the living room and pulled my coat and purse from the closet before grabbing my keys. I was almost out the door before Jc came out.

"Hey babe, what's wrong? Where are you going?" I scoffed, closed the door and glared at him.

"What do you mean? I'm going to get dinner with or without you. Do you even care that we don't spend time together anymore? I don't even know why I moved in if this is all you're going to do," I said, walking out the door and taking the elevator down to my car.

I called Franny on my way out and met her and Bre at a restaurant for some much needed girl time. We talked about Jc and both of the girls agreed that he was spending too much quality time with the internet and not enough with his friends. But they also told me to think about his side of things: that's his job and it comes with it's own unique stress and problems.

Once I got home I dropped everything off at the door and headed for the office. However Jc was nowhere to be found. I heard quiet sniffles coming from our bedroom so I cracked the door open to find him curled up in a ball on the bed. He looked up at the sound of the door creaking and jumped up when he saw it was me.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a bear hug, telling me how sorry he was for not spending time with me and telling me how much he loves me. I smiled and squeezed him back before pulling away.

"I get it. Your job is stressful and it's not a normal 9-5. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier and not trying to understand your point of view," I said, looking at his tired eyes. He nodded and looked down at the ground. "How about I make you a sandwich?"

"That sounds great. Can I also have a Tylenol? I've been looking at a screen way too long," he said sheepishly. I laughed and nodded, getting his sandwich and Tylenol. When I came back in the room he was almost asleep and I really hated to wake him.

I sat down as gently as possible but his eyes opened and he groggily grabbed for the Tylenol. He took one bite of his sandwich before cuddling into my lap. I placed my finger on his temple and rubbed slow circles, trying to help get rid of his headache faster.

He smiled and hummed as I did this, making me smile too. "I love you (Y/N)," he whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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