bet || k. lawley (request - @peysbrand09)

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thank you so much for requesting! <33

"I need Taco Bell, I'm done," Tara said, smacking her hand against the box for emphasis.

We had all been in there so long that it was now pitch black and the boys had to bring out their professional lighting. Kian unscrewed the side and I took a deep breath of fresh air, pecking him on the cheek before he had to close it again. "And then there were four!"

Nezza, Mariah, Sarah, and I all high-fived and we were surprisingly happy considering the circumstances. "Let's make bets on who will be the next to go. I would bet all the money I'm about to win," Sarah said with a wink, "that it will be (Y/N)."

"Sarah!" I put a hand over my heart and gave her a deeply offended face. "I won't go down without a fight. I have a boyfriend I have to prove myself to and a bet that I want to win." I said the last part directly through one of the holes at the top of the box.

Kian smiled and shook his head. "Sorry baby, but I think I will be the one winning our bet."

"Kian said if I won then I could pick the movie during any movie night for the next month and I am willing to do whatever possible to win that," I explained with a smile. Kian shook his head as if he didn't believe I could do it and I crossed my arms. "You think I can't?"

He shrugged and sat down in the closest lawn chair. "I just think you'll get tired and hungry and the prize won't be worth it so much anymore. That or you're going to pass out because you keep locking your knees."

I hadn't realized I had been doing that so instead of arguing with him, I took a few laps around the small perimeter and tried to keep shifting my weight when I was standing still. Time in the box was sort of irrelevant so when Jc said it was eleven o'clock I was shocked. "They're not giving up Kian."

Kian gave him a sleepy nod and stretched his arms above his head. "How about we take shifts watching them? There's no use in both of us being exhausted."

Jc agreed and let Kian go inside to sleep first. He stopped in front of me, hanging onto the box from two of the holes and giving an exaggerated yawn. "Wow, I bet the bed is going to feel so nice after being out here so long. Don't you think so?"

"I bet," I said, giggling at his pathetic attempt to get me to go inside with him. "You'll have to tell me all about it when you come back out for your shift."

He huffed at me but he gave me the tiniest hint of a smile as he made his way inside. Corey took his place, and like the protective older brother he always acted like, was frowning at me and pointing down to my knees again. "Stop doing that!"

"Sorry, it's comfortable! Besides, I always stand like this, and I've never had an issue before," I said, deciding to shift my weight between my feet so I wouldn't be standing still for too long.

"You also aren't usually standing for fifteen hours straight," Jc pointed out.

I tried my best to move a lot so I wouldn't be tempted to lock my knees but I was engrossed in a conversation with the other girls and wasn't really thinking about it until I started to feel lightheaded. I thought maybe it was just from exhaustion so I shook my head a little to clear away the fogginess, but that only made it worse. I grabbed onto the nearest thing for support, which was Mariah.

She stopped in the middle of her sentence and frowned at me. "What's up?" I opened my mouth to reply but I felt my knees buckle and Nezza grabbed my other arm as they both lowered me down to sit.

Sarah yelled for Corey to get Kian and I tried to tell everyone that I was fine, but I couldn't do much else other than sit and wait for the dizziness to go away. Jc was searching the ground for the drill as Kian stumbled out to the porch, his eyes quickly flashing to me, then back to Jc.

Corey pulled out his phone and joined Jc in the search, finding the drill soon after. "Got it!" He unscrewed the side as quickly as possible and Kian shoved his way towards me looking panicky.

In the time it took them to find the drill and open the box I was feeling completely normal. I tried to get back up, but Kian put a firm hand on my shoulder and scowled. "What are you doing? You can't just jump up after you passed out as if nothing happened!"

"Okay, first of all, I didn't actually pass out, I just got dizzy." He rolled his eyes as he tried to pick me up, but I squirmed away from him. "And second of all, what are you doing? I technically haven't left the box yet so I'm still in the game!"

The boys all started shaking their heads and telling me that I was done, even though I knew I was fine. I grudgingly allowed Kian to pick me up and put me down in one of the lawn chairs since I knew arguing with him would get me nowhere. However, I made sure to pout at him as he got me water and a granola bar.

"Don't look at me like that, you ruined it for yourself. I told you not to lock your knees." He was teasing but he still looked concerned as he practically force-fed me. "Do you feel okay now?"

"Yeah, and I felt fine when I was in there too!"

Corey frowned and shook his head, leaning forward in his chair so he could talk to Kian over me. "No, she absolutely wasn't. Look how pale she still is!" I punched his shoulder which only made him laugh at me. "Is someone sad she won't win the money?"

"No, I'm sad that I didn't win our bet," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at Kian's smile. "And now I have to watch Kian's stupid movies for a whole month and I'm not even allowed to complain!"

He patted my knee, smiling wider at my pouting. "We can just call the bet off, okay?"

"No! You won fair and square, although I'm not sure if it was really fair to me." He laughed and his worry finally seemed to completely go away. "You better enjoy this month of complaint-free movie watching from me because you probably won't ever get it again."

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